Page 274 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 274

236                            P'/NANCES

               12-Base de l'impôt dans les corporations municipales de la province.-(Fin).
              12-Basis of Taxation in Municipal Corporations of the Province.-(Concluded).

                                                Evaluntion des biens-land.
                         Nombro de - Number of         -
                                                A••••• m.nt of RenI Estate  Autres
            ANNÊES                 Acres             lm posable"  1     impo""ble.
               -         Penennea  de terre         rnaÏll exempt6s  Non-  (2)
             'YEARS       payn"t  impo.ables  Imposables  temporairement!  impo8o.bleB  Other
                         <..le!'! taxes  -   -         -     !    --     Tunble
                           -      Acre. 01  Taxable  Ta""bl. but  )fon-   Values
                         Taxpayer.  'r"xable        Terupornrily  lUllble
                                   Land              E"empted  1
                        MUNICIPALltiS DE CITÉ -  CITY MUNICIPALITIES
                                             $          S         $         $
        1933        .      1l0,L6I  ............  1.471,159,844  68,600,544  4117,024,177  42,2011,243
        1932 .             U3,909         1,502,221,439  (3) 67,540,812  471,:171,644 (4) 37,920,417
        1931..        .    120,7';1  ..........  1,473,753,922  66,79S,984  45.3,04:1,247  7,451,140
        1930.........• ,  .  123, lM ............  1,723,710,560  64,491,135  432,858,979  7,013,749
        1929..             120,390        1,639,295,771  54,173,872  411,034,851  6,129,828
        1928..          (1)  115,221      1,291,716,(1411  52,015,265  401,424,103  5,923,574
        1927         .    291,567  ...........  1,241,736,913  50,288,614  397,911,387  4,564,984
        1926..            312,000         1,235,929,204  47,985,981  382,149,415  4,972,343
        1926.-             301,122  ...........  1,181,083,183  40,974,279  375,li04,872  2,2111,348
        1924.......•. ,  .  2114,1117  ............  1,125,005,177  48,057,354  358,397,454  14,419,672
        1923...........• , ..  253,302  ............  1,084,734,200  50,039,1172  340,250,159  14,1122,532
        1922.........•.   246,5211        1,027,033,200  31,652,275  335,252,493  19,665,709
                                             s          $         S         S
        1933..................  48,906 . . ...... . . . .  208,471,264  34,946,641  59,711,181  5,041,974
        1932........ , .........  46,119   208,920,361  32,790,968  61,461,988  3,893,357
        1931. ..... ...........  48,081    207,744,379  36,103,102  57,046,717  3,925,055
        1930... , .        47,686 ............  203,630,541  37,103,652  55,875,863  4,447,981
        1929...........    48,118  . ..........  203,506,966  31,980,920  55,000,423  2,778,601
        1928            (1)  46,102        191,933,1011  32,499,909  66,875,532  2,689,377
        1927.. , .         55,820          l78,310,007  32,578,120  50,282,033  3,109,017
        1920..... , ..........  63,739  . ...........  170,487,550  23,910,736  46,332,425  2,308,964
        1925.......... ,  ....  52,2ût; ............  160,897,224  25,523,444  44,787.040  2,455,723
        1924.. .  ...........  49,732 . ...........  150,614,759  31,179,840  40,295,855  4,438,239
        1923................  60,472       145,900,087  30,092,994  40,027,196  5,405,424
        1922................  50,528       146,259,665  25,400,1147 '  36,819,043  2,501,273
                       MUNICIPALlTfls RURALF.S -- RURAL MUN1CIPALITIES
                                             s          $         S         $
        1933...  .............  288,850  21,180,345  510,419,875  11,1121,797  94,956,080  1.129,977
        1932.. ............ - ...  287,121  21,221,122  512,613,970  10,529,088  92,486,846  1,191,151
        1931....... , ..........  285,972  21,032,463  527,049,967  10,1711,876  82,245,510  1,159,944
        1930...... ............  280,163  20,993,517  622,268,84 5  Il,288,782  80,924,029  1,427,123
        1929......... .....  284,109  20,966,200  512,740,618  6,221,877  78,576,355  1,075,446
        1928..................  284,849  21,227,016  500,872,712  10,670,301  76,993,1i58  377,617
        1927...... , .... " .....  281i,302  20,859,152  496,100,497  8,760,11113  78,658,187  703,312
        1920.........      285,OM  20,720,733  486,254,297  5,469,198  711,397,634  713,250
        1925.. , ...............  279,4811  20,672,787  470,815,637  5,554,284  70,632,619  388,228
        1924.. ................  279,198  20,497,917  473,877,1101  5,M9,090  70,278,077  625,449
        1923........ ...... ....  277,817  20,771,074  470,497,606  5,988,537  68,437,030  654,290
        1922, ......... . . . ....  277,911  21,375,286  405,783,276  6,020,508  59,938,7511  785,126
                                             $          $         S         S
        1933.. , .... ...........  1,382  123,417  2,395,999      441,890
        1932.. ................  1,376  12:1,419  2,388,016 ...   445,040 ..
        1931.. ................  1,369  122,027  2,394,273        330,365   ...
        1930.......... _...  1,322  175,318  2,034,228  . ..........  321,105  249
        1929...             1,295  175,318  1,918,466             300,0115
        1928......... _.. , .. , ..  1,2811  176,318  2,244,899  '49,668'  301,065  259
        1927.. ,., '" . _... _., ..  1,3M  293.868  2,277,032  78,253  382,615  360
        1926...... , ..... ,." ..  1,415  288,868  2,234,1157  84,503  394,315  287
        1925.. ..... , ...... , , ..  1,364  28;',028  1,779,617  598,885  341,815  287
        1924.......         1,201  279,868  1,715,313  339,014    407,375     177
        1923..  ...........  1,194  252,478  1,7011,341  306,949  350,450     172
        1922..              1,129   80,763  1,480,250    6,250    440,110   13,542
            (1) Voir note (3) il ln pnge 235.-Soo foot·note (3) on page 2~r,.
            (2) Voir Dote (1) il ]a page 235.-See foot--not. (1) on pnge 2:3.1.
            (3) Diminu~on oa.uoée pnr le tranelcrt par la oité de Grand'Mêre Ù'UllC .omme d. S12,OOO,000 il la colonne
        dee bie.e-fon<Ù! ealUl<:<.\ by the tran.fer by tbe city of Gr.nd'Mere of an "mount of $l2,000,000
        t.o the column al Taxable ReRl F..tate.
            (4) Voir note (2) page 2~,).-Se<l foot--nnte (2) on page 235.
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