Page 237 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 237

PUBLIC CHARITIES                             207

                             The staff of the hospitals for the insane grew from 863, in 1914,
                        to 1,130 persons in 1925. During the same period the number of patients
                        admitted varied between 1,325 and 1,751.      The number of phy::ricians
                        attending these institutions was thirty-five in 1925. The total of salaries
                        paid to the staff amounted to $143,459, in 1914, and to $358,557 in 1925.

                                             I02-Stafl' of Hospitals for the Insane.
                                  8TAF'F        1918  ~~~ 19221~~~
                           -n-ir-ec-t-ors-.-..-.-..-.-.-----1---,;-  5  5  fi  6  5    5    5
                           A••iol•.nt direo~or.. .. . .. .. .. .  473  476  491  494  505  614  .524  531
                           Ch.plaio..... ..       9     9     9    JO    JO    10      9   JO
                           Hou," pIWRicblli!... .  6    6     7     8     8    12     12   22
                           Governmentphy.iclao,.  16   16    17    17    10    16     20   13
                           A••iotAnt staff :-
                              Men       .       289   239   265   268   327   31.;   308   322
                             Women   ..         142   196    L69  190    183  173    302   227
                                              -~- --- --- -- ._-- --- --- ---
                                  To1'U~...     940   947   9&3   992  1,054  1,045  1,080  1,130
                                     lO3-Salaries paid to Sluff of Hospitals for the Insane.
                                                      191\1 1 L920 I~()~~ 192J_~~
                                  STAFF         1918
                                                 S           S     ~     $     $     ~     ~
                           A"'''';Rtrrnts  .    9,300  15,WO 1 19.806  13,688  14.080  16,200  15,000  16,200
                           ChnplliJl1a.  .  .   4,285  4,500  6,900  ", ',00  5,%0  5,1l17  5,000  5.800
                           Hou~~ physi('l:1.n~  , .  8,132  9,527  11,244  12,398  14,26L  16,982  W, .•72  49.478
                           Govûrl1m.~oi phv"nrlnna  28,900  28,:)()0  3-1,OS3  30,40'0  33,100  34,779  52,026  10.750
                           A••"t:lO 1 Ht.•.ff·-
                              Mell             ) In,023  117,3.;3  177.331  169,157  191,789  217,931 1215"I'!i'Q  222,902
                              WomeD     _.• _.....  2L,703  58,7'(0  61,64a  66,2ÎO  48,504  46,23.5  ,j)t,{>G  53A27
                                              --------------------                            ..
                                  TO'CAL       191,493  234,150  301,007  302,413  308,074  336,094  357,8.22  358,557

                             The most numerous group of patients admitted to the hospi taIs
                        is generally made up of persons 'rvho are suffering from hereditary
                        insanity.  Other recognized causes of mental disorder are excesscs or
                        abuses of aH lGnds, financial worries 8nd domest.ic troubles. There are
                        also patients insane from birth, epileptics and senile patients.

                              I04-Classification of the Patients showing the probable Cause of Insanily.

                             CAUSE OF INSANITY  l\J 18  lO~  1\120  1921      1923  1924  192':}
                           Her<:<lity  '  .                 216   2n4         55~   378   383
                           Ifllempetence in cJ.r~nk  .       34    GO          40    60    66
                           :i\lentn)  r;train,  \'l'ur y. QVer-
                            work.....................  136  I;;!;  1CIO  III  110  75  103  108
                           Domo""!,;e ~roobJe., grief. ..  104  71  63  &4  ~8  51   4[,   80
                           ~~;~~~~~~.>:::::::::::::::"~("IH  ~~   1~~ "'l~r "ïg( '''i~g lig
                           Puerpuralfever. .. .. .. .. . .. ..  37  15  36  20  31  10  32  2~
                           Pee.uniary diffieulties.. .. ..  12  9  21  18  17   4    15     9
                           flyp}Uüs.. .. .. .. • .. .. ..  ..  84  39  7f>  6~  78 _  74  9i  g·l
                           Uoe·ort.•.in. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .  34<)  :13·\  328  279  29r,  228  457  476
                           Ot.beren""e..................  205  "83  ~,8  289  214  100  269  31·1
                                              -- ------ .------f---- -- -                  __
                                  "tO:r"L... ..... ....  1.487  1,432  1,290  1,414  1.493  Il,447  1,619  1,751
   232   233   234   235   236   237   238   239   240   241   242