Page 233 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 233


                                                  THE PUBLIC CHARITIES ACT.

                               The Quebec Bureau of Public Charities was created by the Legislature
                           of the Province in 1921 for the purpose of assisting, in accordance with
                           the law called t'The Public Charities Act" (l), the indigent patients in
                           hospitals or received in an establishment recognized as a public charitable
                           inst~itution by the Lieutenant-Governor in Caunci!.     A list of these
                           institutions is published every year in the Quebec Official Gazelle. The
                           aid gl'anted by the Government cannot in any case exceed one third of
                           the total cost of the maintenance of the indigent received by a public
                           charitable institution; the second third is paid by the local municipality
                           where the indigent person has had his or her bona fide domicile during
                           the six consecutive months previous to admission; and the last third iB
                           paid by the charitable institution. However the Lieutenant-Governor
                           in Council, may on recommendation of the Public Chal'ities Service, in
                           cases of u,rgency and absolute necessity, help, in any way he deems
                           advisable, the development of the public charities in the Province. The
                           persons so assisted must give proof of their indigence to the authorities
                           in order to be admitted to the hospitals at the expense of the Govern-
                           ment, municipalities and institutions.

                               Under this Act, it is lawful for local or county municipalities
                           to pass by-Iaws to establish and maintain hospitals, homes, foundling
                           hospitals, sanatol'ia, refuges or aIl other public charitable institutions, for
                           the purpose of helping the indigents whose domicile is situated within
                           the limits of such municipalities.  The dues of teu pel' cent collected
                           by the municipalities on places of amusement, are given, one haU to
                           the municipal charities fund and the other haU to the public charities
                           fund.   The costs of collection are incumbent upon the municipality.
                           This fund is l'urther increased by the following dues: the cost of licenses
                           for places of amusement; the dues collected for race-course, lipenses and
                           the entrance fees at race meetings, the registration Fees for apparatus
                           employed in making bets or wagers on race-courses and the duties
                           imposed on the said bets and wagers. Every municipality is bound to
                           remit to the Treasurer of the Province one half of the proceeds collected
                           under this Act, An amendment to the Public Charities Act, known as
                           the "Hospital Tax" imposes the collection of a fee of five pel' cent on
                           aIl meals costing one dollal' or over in the cities and towns in the Province.
                           The hotel or restaurant proprietOl', in this case, acts as the agent of the
                           Province and is obliged to remit the amounts collected ta the Secreta!'y
                           of the Province together with a SWOl'll staternent.

                               (ll Revis.d St•.tute, of the Proy;nce of Quebec, 1925, Vol. Il!, ob. 139 and amcndment Id Geo. V. ch. 55.
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