Page 241 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 241
There are five anti-tubercular sanatoria in the Province of Quebec;
two in the district of Quebec and three in the district of MontreaL
The number of beds they provide is 438. The staff comprised 178
persons, in 1925.
114-Finandal Slatemeni of Anti-tubercular Sanatoria.
FINANCIAL STATE?I'U;NT 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925
RCGûipts :-
Ca~b OD hand on Ise Janllllry. 12,868 10,871 Il,415 10,73'1 2,04.2 6,722
.AmounL l'laid boY pat.leota. ct.c... 32,953 33,1G8 ?1,533 H,173 7,27~ 27,381
GoverrHIlI,'nt grnnr.....,. 10,700 10,401 30,OU5 181,392 10,200 130,053
Crant.s by mUDH:ipnlities .. 12,700 7,q50 ... 3,000 3,000 7,500
Priv:lfe donations.. 26,459 13.800 11,742 11,770 1.221 12,472
Ocher re,,-onue . 37,860 45,2 'r> 110,030 1,t8,~5 3,209 43,450
------ ------ -- ---
133,640 121,068 224,715 399,i134 26,944 227,678
------ ----- :-
SalllrJeSi and Ieee of pitysicians ... 4,419 7.470 4,9,';8 7,07l 891\ J1,944
Snlnri es of Bto.ff. . . 2~,507 20,326 3l,700 32,232 3,966 35,O'1ll
lvledicioe and ot,l1er mecticaL a.Llenc1aocc . 8,378 10,717 13,807 J4,792 8,592 14,283
Fuod for na~ient.s 33,645 25,%1\ 1 47,121 62,973 1,445 51,752
l ,,,,,ndry "nd clothing . tj89 861 1,392 5,(\76 1,8.32
}-[,·"ting.. . . lO,321 7,870 15,380 15,.383 448 14,713
Re~lt, ia3es,"B, insurance. etc .. 2,228 4,.182 15,879 321,867 2,554 8,858
Other Cxp(~J)sea.. 40,004 31,C56 79,61\0 86,919 7,092 52,528
-- ------_._---
TO~h.L..•. 123,151 108,778 209,897 1358,413 1 25,593 190,956
The total number of institutions which take care of orphans, old
and infirm people is 115, of which 45 are in the district of Montreal
and 13 in that of Quebec. The number of beds they can dispose of,
according to the most recent report, is 14,222. In 1925, 0,359 persons
were admitted to these institutions and 86,843 outsiders received
assistance. Most of the homes, refuges and asylums of the Province
are directe~ by religious congregations.
U5-Staff of Institutions.
CLASSIFICATION 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925
-- - .- -----
Number or institutions . . . . . . . .. ... ... ..... 11.3 117 122 122 118 115
Head stAff.... .. .. . .. . , . . . ... . .... 2,473 2,OlJ 2,753 2,631 2,741 2,699
Secondo ry oItaO' ....... .................... 749 82 880 875 986 948
Nu m ber of bed. for the poor ... .... . ... 12,100 13,0 2 14,385 13,672 14,406 14,222
Number of Canndin.ns ••si.t.d... .. 17,359 17,935 17,783 18,099 19,542 17,061
)lumber of persans of other nru.iona.hties R-6sisted .. 1,000 859 4,030 910 917 1,095
Number or pnying persons a.'!-:"i..'d".ed . . . . . . . . - . 3,356 3,430 4,960 3.504 3,329 2,847
)lumber oC pnr l.inI p:lying perrions llssiBted... ... 6,152 5,675 5,919 5,850 0,1\81 !J,9tjG
Numbcr of DOD-paying persans D66îtll.ed ~ .. 8,92(\ 9,812 18,9(\9 9,.~21 il,258 8,778
Nurnbe.r o( poor assittted Dutside oi iDstiLut-looa .. 109,940 84,771 115,925 06,21:5 83,340 8G,843