Page 242 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 242


                               The persans being taken care of in the institutions at the beginning
                           of the year 1925, were classified as follows: men, 1,647; women, 3,186
                           boys, 3,643; girls, 4,510. The indigent admitted during the year com-
                           prised 869 men, 1)447 women, 1,953 boys, 2,090 girls. The total number
                           of persons compl'ised in these two classes was 19,34.5,  Deaths during
                           the year numbered 996,

                                                    116-Number of Poor assisted.

                                       POOR ASSISTED          1920  1921   l()22  1923  1924  1025
                                                                         _ ...
                                                                   -~-                     ---
                             Nurobcr on lhe Isl.J.nuary.  ..... - ' .  ... ..  lJ ,29G  J2,243  12,972  12,027  12,705  12,98G
                             Admi lted duriog the year ... .............. ..  0,288  5.825  5,018  6,981  5,798  0,:159
                             Di.chs.rged during the yeor .....  .... ., . . .  5,872  5,607  5.497  5.790  5,593  6,208
                             Number DO the 31.t Decomber.  .....  .. ..  1) ,812  12,401  12,393  12,218  J2,91O  13,)37

                                The following table is a stl1tement of the annual revenues and
                           expenses of thè homes, orpha.nages and asylums of the Province, As a
                           general rule, revenue and expense balance fairly weIl at the en~ of eaeh
                           year in most of .the institutions, thanks ta grants from the Government
                           and municipalities. These revenues are increased by the pOOl' tax, which
                           is a tax levied on the places of amusement, and by private gifts. The
                           expenses increased gradually from 1,504,882 dollars, in 1914, to 3,357,948
                           dollars, in 1925.

                                   117-Financial Staternent of Homes. ûrphllnllge Asylums and Refuges.
                                    FI~ANCIAL STATEMENT        1920  1921  J922  1923  1024  1925
                              RoceiplS :-
                       on baud on 18l Janu.ry ..  140,R67  201.811  1I0,n.1· 124,273  112.00:11 117,575
                                Anlollllt by person.i us~lsted.  73!1.ü:;W  7,~!i,61ü  717,609  795,131  792,010' 7f>f1.717
                                Govcrnmrll t gran t.a ..       7:3,143  l>3,81~. 207,832  270,66L  312,067  343,424
                                                               32,031\  93,975  80,311  112,2661  B7,15;>  70,931
                                ~·lunici~lnl.ltraUt..B ..•
                                Ghnrity W':''I(.... _ ..       83,6D!l  105,2:J2  1110,798.... ... ..  . .
                                Prjv~",t.edc!nht.lous..       G2~,Jr~  ;;2;'"),977  ô;;?;i,594  .jD9,478  ôOl,37D  ·i;);·~,r)(jH
                                Ot,her revenue .. _  .       l,OOn.147 1,381,41K 1,536,~631,361,7H 1,4.07,292 1,'174,\/86
                                                             12.723,0073,178,847 3,298.431 3,272,5~ 3,212~~ ~30,301
                                             TOTAL ....
                              E~/Jt iôilurc :-
                                S  ·ries aod ree::; oC phys-iciaTl8.  9,!l41'  11 ,133  IG,558  26,729  22,7:i,"  17,103
                                Sll ar;lt$ or lSt.a-fî ...  ..  .  286,11'-.1  3ü8,977, 423,664  42;>,613  4~:,?75;  ·135,2-31
                                 l\1(~didnD awl oillBr Hwc1icf\l o.ttc:nd~tHce ..  2(),7;l4  3K,204!  42,796  100,S53  ~tJ.~  48,20lS
                                 Food for pP."T60ns a.:i~i:--ted  .  1 1 (:fj7,22.,.iit. )IO:~,;j!)~)  942,505  8711,224  ~U;j,627  O()R,~.)n
                                 T.aundry aIle.! clot.bill.":;-..  , 164,4011  162,Osll  191,077  1()2,ô7i  109,701  1~2,~.;;l
                                 Hea.ting and liij],tiog.     U2,U70  3liO,i:l2  333,71\R  3iti,3G1  :1l9,.;H  ;Jn,!i5ô
                                 n(~JÜ, t,ILXe:-i. Ï'nsurance, repairs. et.c.  ~:: l ,4:12  473,800  û:JIi,637  502,41!)  H47,!/:m  617,440
                                 Ot.her expcusps...           577,I:l3  897,!)O:1  921,:112  790,954  82./l.311  21,1187
                                             TOTAL .....     2,727,5923,351,5343,408,317 3,291,733 3.400,385 3,357,948
   237   238   239   240   241   242   243   244   245   246   247