Page 240 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 240


                                                   Ill-Causes of Deatb of Patients. ~1)
                                                               .~.1920_'~ ~~ _.1\}~_ ~l~
                                G.neral or Epidemie. . . . . . . . . . .  ,,9:1 -i,'  326  849  4\}0  428  5:31
                                01 the UeTVOUO sy9tem  ,     '"   n.;  )13    g:>  112    lli7  275
                                01 the cirolilatory system. ..    17!!  2Ll  143   137   150   202
                                Of the re.piratoTY system   ,    428   210   ~'1l  279   3!!S  510
                                Of the di~estive organ•... '. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .  341  335  :320  352  143  671
                                Of the genito-urinary system Rnd lUlu.xe9  '. .. .  281  237,  270  253  242  306
                                Of puerperni8tal.e  '.            65    84    62    00    72    93
                                Of the ,kin and cellular lio"u8. .. .. .. .. .. .•.. .. .  71  70  103  102  III  149
                                01 the loc-orootor orgaue. .. . . . . . .. . . . .  21l  32  35  03  40  46
                                Defective conlormntion. . . . .. ..  555  142  15   23    18    23
                                Con~eoital dehiIity, disea.cs of obildbooo.. , ..  193  482  500  Of>l  740  929
                                Old ..lI:e....................    23    18    37   lü:l   lï2   31
                                Affect~ons due to e,.t.ernal Cl\Uf'es  (su~cidef) acci·
                                 dent:3,  i olenCCi~1 etc.)  .   133    97   116   129   133   125
                                UuknoWtl or ill-dofio.d dieense•..  27  11     5    16    51    45
                                                               ------I---·I-·--~             -
                                           To'rAL ..            3,013  2,368  2,977  2,840  3,184  1 3,~1
                                                   112-Patienls treated ln Dispensaries.
                                                           -I~._~_1922 _1923 ~~
                                Medi('al ~er'cictJ:-
                                   Nurnber trc ted.. .. .. ..  ..  .. ..  ].;,4.'i7  14,092  20,480  30,M7  76,358  64,053
                                   Minor operar.iona     ,  , .. .  1;0  1511   8   205    28     !
                                  1're"Lmcnl . '"  ,     "   ". 133,O!)!!  52,153  64,026  27,.J:::Z  35,749  17,4n:1
                                  Con.1I11at.ion.  , .. ,    ,..  39,702  44,616  92/,110  62,:>20  82.031  fIX,2UU
                                  Pr".cril,eOU., fiiled        122,.%8  124,758  115,:'i63  91,012  7ü,M2  1>11,508
                                Sut(Ji<.al ur!lin'~ :-
                                   ~umhcr ll'eated            .  11,480  10,735  2:>,478  Il,913  27,849  50,~35
                                  Minor operations            .  3,09.1  4,029  !i,t)OO  '1,9.'16  5,·175  30.D7l!
                                  Tlentnlent. '"  o ••••••••••••••••••  32,81 li  07,335  38,4~1.j  31,107  il3 ..~l):~  47,tino
                                  Coosultation                .  na j 2(i.'5  :.2,0·18  50,24:)  65,298  2~,(IH  Gü,l:lS
                                  Pre.criptions filled        .  2.•,.511  20,004  26,000  81,348  53,I:iü  11,1:;.;
                                Ophto.lmo!(){/k ....riCI -
                                   Number" Led           .  18,131           19,940  2n.574  54.776
                                  Millor opcrn. tlona ...............•...  4,907   8,OS',  10,296  6.17.;
                                  Trcratment .•.......... o' •••••••••••••••••  71,66-1  64,247  51,8~6  4!J,611l
                                  Con:-;nJtation9.. _..........•..•............  2.>,95:1  m,ü90  7,4 il  8'1,443
                                  Presoriptions Glled         .  54,3l!           40,687  5·1,4g6  35,020
                                Othcr urt:ics.t :-
                                   NllJJlbcr tr[:ratA"!à    o ••••  2! ,5fil  !l,9R8  32,811  28,.;8:1  47.045  78,820
                                  Mioor operaUons.......•.............  10,4.•1  10,8';0  4,68-1  1.05G  4.278  Il,538
                                   Trea.tmeot •............ , .....•. _  .  12,291  00,2();,  4-0,2114  6,978  22,36U  41,428
                                  CotIBultnt.ions..........•......•...........  ZS,5Jl  42,(J:17  76,S,;1  68,745  3H,154  ll,j,H)g
                                  Pr..criptiooe filled  ,     .  .19,473  1Il,51b  22,7:;7  25,413  60.745  66,800
                                    ll3-Financial Statemenl of HospilaJa, Maternilies and Foundting HospHals.
                                      FINANCIAL 6TATE~lENT       1920  1921  1922  1923  1024  1()2.5
                                -------------·------1---1------ --- ------
                                n·c<t~~h-;;-o h'lncl on the Ist January... ........  127,916  80,938  149,207  192,538  344,995  211,709
                                  AlllOUJ:t puid by patients, relntions or friends.
                                  Goveromeut ~rAots            L,1>20,16:; 1,669,971 1,746,870 L,419,5791,140,4381,5f>6,(jR2
                                  GrllIlts by municipnlltiea  '.  43,3;':3  39,518. 128,503  ~68,S061' 604.146  987,90·)
                                  P1:ivute d.mutione   ,. ..•. ..  194,440  387,173  228,561  92,785  100,924  260.'109
                                  Charity•..•. , .• •. .. .. •. •• •• .. .. .. . .•  .il7,0!!·j  410,.;27  40:;,246  553,722; 607,014  45~,207
                                  Other reveoue                 1;'6,117  l4.;'4-39  167,308      ..
                                                                870.~ryj 7.58,548  70a,S02  075,7492,!!ED,304 1.202,462
                                         TaTA"..........................         1......;.....---------
                                                               3,528,645 3,492,109 3.52!1.681 3,703.079 4,963,821 '4,671,373
                                E:<plmdil.urc : -
                                  6alary 01 phYBiciaos a.nd fees .. , .. "  .  34,:;78  07,871  OO,lll  60,243  66,220  fit,13:;
                                  BalaTy ofetaf!              .  72:\,032  861,.128  8RI,2~j3  606,809  [,ï4.2-IZ,1,15;',47:î
                                  Medicine, medical atVJndROOts.•.•..•..•••..•.  241,:J08  240,828  2:\9.066  222,800  224,17", 300,475
                                  Food for pa tients          .  L,0f>O.GUS  9:I(;,R3·1  8:,4,:172  737,021  758.8f>9. 930,65,1
                                  Lnundry 3nd clotbiog        .  11-',732  117,n;17  H2,877  16:,,930  15~),4:m' 2\(1,214
                                  Heatiug                  ,  .  380,487  43-1,l;92  407,341  ,,:17,174  2%.046  362,S29
                                   Rent) tH.xes. insvrnnee. repaira. ale  , o ••  :1l3,179  3!i2,4lî8  3·18,736  56i;,00:l  (lÜ1.35S  633,831
                                  OUter experuses             .  533,52.;  662,3)1  569.831  00I,3452,022,1l00  803,180
                                  Bala.nce 00 baod on tbe 3lot December  .  -------_..---- -_._----
                                         TaTA"             "   3,561,293/8,752,3693,712,496 3,703,079 4,963,8214,671,~~~
                                    (1) The cliileTonee l>el.wccn the numbèr of des€! 00 ,,,,tient. shown on Lnble 108 aod the total de.. th.
                                is due to tua Hw,t certain IJl:itHul,in1l8 du Dot cla~sr('y t.heenuse of death of tbeir inJlllite5.
                                 Stal:i~t1c8 0/ Bcmevolent l'f).8tit'Ut~on8.
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