Page 234 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 234
For the purpose of faci!itating the operation of the law, the Public
Charities Service has classified philanthropie institutions into distinct
categories according to their requirements. The daily cost for hospital
service, residence and maintenance of the indigent in these institutions
is fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. The institutions are
classified as follows:
CLASS A.-General hospitals.-
A 1-First class hospitals, properly equipped· and containing
at least 40 beds. Daily cost of hospital service $2.0r.
A 2-Second class hospitals, i. e.) with less perfected equipment
and having at least 25 beds. Daily hospital charge for
indigent $1.50.
A 3-Hospitals of less importance containing at least 15 beds.
This c!ass includes certain special asylums organized for
the purpose of taking care of incurable diseases, cancer,
paralysis or tuberculosis. Daily cost of hospital treat-
ment $1.05.
CLASS B.-Sanatoria and hospitals for tubercular patients.-
This category is assimilated to the institutions of Class A-1
and the cost of hospital service pel' day is $2.01.
CLASS C.-Refuges for the old and infirm.-
C 1-Cost of maintenance is estimated at ·45 cents pel' day.
C 2-Hospitals for epilectics. Cost of maintenance 57 cents
pel' day.
CLASS D.-Orphan asylums.-
Institutions receiving orphans from 6 to 14 yeal'S of age; cost
of maintenance, 36 cents pel' day.
CLASS E.-lvIaternity hospitals, foundling hospitals, vario'us charitable
This class comprises different organizations receiving assistance
from the Government upon the recommendation of the
Public Charities Service:
98-Govemment Grants to BenevoIent Institutions.
-------- --------_.------ --------I----~
Cl A .. _ _ . $ 367,180.4R S ~3(1,2~9.26
CI"". B . 101,82".28 181.7115.12
Cla•• C .....•.............•....•...........................•...... 122,OUB.8·1 H7,li8.16
ClaasD . 124 1 S:3(i .flo 122,344.08
ClassE . 82,7;;;l. 27 98.66;j.27
Special grant.s .......•...........•.......•.................... , . 307,399.49 276,5%.02
Miscel1eaoou•................................ 4,20U.00 1,450.00
Total. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. 1.1U,116.32 1,264,314 .91
ADoulll Reporte of Direotor of Publio Chariti..., Quebea.