Page 232 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 232
97-Statistïcs of the Industrial Schools of the Province, for the year 1925.
Lavol des Levis N. D. de Quebeo Sllîot.-
n..pides MODtfort Lambert
(girla) (b. aDd g.) (boys) (girl.) (girl.)
Elabli.lled in........•........... , .. , ....•. 1870 1879 1885 1870 1911
Pup'l. in 1926 :-
Number on the lot January, 1025 . 503 513 726 345 31
Number admitted during tbe yeaT . 319 212 240 124 19
Numher dütehBiged cluring "he yeBr . 282 181 224 139 2'1
Number on lhe 31.t De.amb€'!', 1926 . 540 544 742 330 20
Tolal numher of <laya of d.teotion....•.... 227,452 194.180 267,987 163,115 10,950
Maximum number of pupil•.............. 640 556 742 345 31
N::zlio110litll of pupil8 :-
E"reoch Call11dian ' ...•......•. 624 M6 740 326 1
Briti.h C..nndian. .. . . . . . . . , ..•. 6 4 1 24
Foseigo bOTU.. . , ••••.••••• o •• 10 1 4 4
TOTAL •...•••....•.•.•.•. 640 li'U 742 330 29
Birth prace:-
Canada •............... , , ......•....... 640 544- 740 330 24.
United State . 1 1
Otbor coun tries..............•.... " . 1 .~
TOTAL , . $40 544 742 330 29
n.liai"" of pu.pil.:
64.0 544 742 330 . . . . . . . . . .
Roman Catholics. 24
Protestants .... 1:::.. - .
Other religions.
640 544 742 330 29,
TONL •... '. " •..•.......
Pami'y 8ralu8 of pup'l. :-
Havin~ both fatherllnd rnot..ber . 182 82 128 187 9
. 1,'n t.hl'r:ess . . . . . . . . . . . . ..•.....•. 24.1 ISI 495 53 12
I\.lotberlcss., , , ...•.. 135 24!J 115 72 4
Orpha.Ils..........•........•.........•.. 82 :12 4 18 4.
----_._---- ----- -----1-·--
T()'l'.~L .... 640 1. 544 742 330 29
HeuUh condilion. of 1YUpil" -
Numbrr iu infirmary on nie lsl:. January.
Hl25 . 9 12 .......... ..........
N III [ihl~r admi t.ted lo infirmary dllTioQ: Uu'
y(~r... . . 303 266 62 51
l'\u:nber in infirmary 00 the 31...;t Dce(~udmT.
1U25 ' ................•..•... 7 lTj 2 ..
Total number (lf dayt. in iDfirmar~'... 3,002 5.903 24.8 1R4 . . ........
Ammmt paid for board per ••[,il.a, peI yeor. .. 144 00 $ 130.00 $ 130.00 $ 130.00 ..
neceipl6 :-
A'rr.lnllnt' paid by lhe COVerDJT\eDt. 83,423 œ 62,421..;1 !J5.432.59 42,664.73 2,092.31
DOLat.ions and legaeies............•..... 2,4.34 IR .' 500 00 2,085.00
Other revenue. . . ___ ~ !J58.03 60,000.00, 1-- 494. 00 13,215.80
1'Ol'J~L •... 102,056.65 63,379.54 155,432.59 43,058.13 17,393.11
1 ,
Expe'udituf'e :-
SnlaTy 01 il.AIT. . . ...•...•. S,oR7 ~O 20,4.00 001 3.121, la 6,101.25
food for pupil. . . . . .. . .. 27,ODI 15 21,,'.~3.~'~ ,-,!J,.~H2.ftU 12,!<!I2.29 2.171.65
Laundry und .Jothi~g for pupil•. 9,810. 'I~ H.\1.~5.02 2J,6:1~ 70 4,~:W. 71 98.'i.8·1 nnd ' , , . 12.:\.11. 7\1 9,017.86 8.000.00! 3,f)l)\),70 1.330.94
Rent., }; • repairoi, insuraoce, eh: . 17,:~,·,9.:\{ ;>.47.;.0° 18..;00.00 2,:;(1.) 13 230.46
Ol.her e~I.H!n"eg . _.j_:l_,l_JÔ_·9_._H_!II __9_'_~'_H_._4_G 2t.518 .lX)I_1_5_.0_0_0_.OO_I__4_.0\_~_7_3_3
109,865.60 63,361.79160,633.30 42,301.05 14,917.47
(1) No Inf<mnntion. of Stalistica of Pe-nal i,...,tihuions of the Province of Qu.ebec;,