Page 235 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 235

PUBLIC CRARITIE8                             205

                                                   PROVINCE OF QUEBEC (1).
                               The present chapter deals with the hospitals, asylums and other
                          benevolent institutions of the Province of Quebec. The number of these
                          .establishments was 187, in 1925, including 6 hospitals for mental dis-
                          orders, 54 general hospitals, 4 maternities, 3 foundling hospitals, 5
                          sanutoria or anti-tubercular dispensaries and 115 other institutions
                          destined to take care of orphans, old people and the infirm. The two
                          oldest establishments in the Province are the Rotel Dieu of Quebec,
                          which dates back as far as 1639, and the Rotel Dieu of Montreal,
                          founded in 1644.
                               Altogether these institutions had a staff of 9,402 in 1925.    The
                          number of persons assisted during the year exceeded 97,500.      On the
                          31st of December, there were st;ill ove1' 24,000 men or women in the

                                       99-Number of Palients in Benevolent Institulions, in 1925.
                                                                   Numher oct Patient.  P"I.ior:ts
                                                            Number  pahente  u·drniUed  releasl::ù  PIltient5
                                      CLASSIFICATION          01   o,n the lst  durirlg'  dUrlllg  on tho 3\ot
                                                           ü.stitu,jOll:='  Jo.nuary  th. y"ar  theyear  Decembc·r

                             Hospitals for the ll~R~U)C...•.........•••. '  6  6,511  1,751  1,5Sll  6,678
                   , mo..t.(lrnitie;' :).lld Coundling hD,pitat~_.  61  3,";.12  65,226  6-1,737  .1,331
                             Homes, Orphun As,ylul"Il19. etc  _ . . .. ..  115  12,!JS6  6,3,;9  0,208  13,137
                             8armtorin. and i\uLi-tllbercull,)=-is diSpeo:Hlries ...  5  :l~4  (J04  5.54  324
                                             TO'l',~L •............•  187  23,613  73,940  13,085  24,468

                               The following table sho~'s the amounts spent by Charitable institu-
                           tions from 1921 ta 1925. It ",;ill be noted that the amounts have increased
                          gradually from eight ta ten millions of dollars in the space of n'le years.
                          This increase is due ta the higher cost of food, adJllinistration and
                          ta the Larger number of persans in l'eceipt of assistance. In most insti-
                          tutions, the annuel revenues are small, the result of gifts or legacies.
                          The cast of maintenance of the indigent is a charge upon the Government
                          and the municipalities.

                                  100-Expenditure of Hospilals ror the Insane and Benevolent Institutions.
                             _____C_L_.A_SS_I_[i'_IC_A_T_IO_:\_'__-_I~--19-2-2-1--19-2-3___19_2_4_ __19_2_5_
                                                                      ~      S          1
                             H03pi1nla fClr t.he  ' ..  l,,1'(),3i2  1,47~JM  1.~21,3g.1
                             Hospit:~le, J['t1 and fo-l1r.:dlilJlI tll)spituis...  3,;M,3ŒI  3,ïI2,4U(J  a,703,OïU
                            . Hom~:~, Orphan AfSylunl~1 oLe,  _.. _.  3,301 .•), ;)  3,-108,318  3,201,733
                             &;..oilt.oria and anLi·lubercu)otis Dis:pensaries •.  l().~, 76  200',K97  .UM.'! 1~
                                                           1-8-'6-0-2-'0-54-1-8-'-80-4-,4-77-18,8]4'609 10,118,957  9,286,698
                                           TOT.~L•..•......•.. ,
                              (1) Includes toshLut.ions which are recoguiz:ed by the Govf'rnment and also those wlijcb are not.
                              "Extract from Sr.alùlics of Pu·blic CharilÙ;:SI O'~ub!.'c.
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