Page 236 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 236


                                                 HOSPITALS FOR THE mSANE.
                               The Province of Quebec has six asylums for the insane, five are
                          subsidized by the Government and the other is independent.        Three
                          are in the Montreal district, namely: the St. Jean de Dieu asylum, at
                          Longue Pointe; the Protestant asyJum for the insane at Verdun, and'
                          the St. Benoit Joseph a'Sylum (independent) at Longue Pointe. The three
                          asylums of the Quebec distr1ct are: the St. Michel Archange asylum, at
                          Mastaï (near Beauport) j the St. Ann asylum, at Bay St. Paul, and the
                          St. Julien asylum, at Bernierville.
                               Insane persons who have not themselves, or through sorne person
                          bound by law to provide and care for them, the means of paying whoUy
                          or in part the expenses of their maintenance, and idiots or imbeciles.
                          who are dangerous or a source of scandaI, subject ta epileptic fits or
                          afflicted with any monstrous deformity and are unable whoUy or partly
                          ta pay for their maintenance are admitted free of charge to the insane
                          asylums of the Province. The cost is then paid one haH by the Govern-
                          ment and one half by the municipality of county, city, 01' town where
                          the patient had his domicile.
                               At the beginning of the year 1925, there were 6,511 persons affected
                          mentally in the hospitals of the Province for the insane, 3,,284 men and
                          3,227 w')men. The' admissions during the year numbered 1,751 and the
                          discharges 1,586. On the 31st o( December of the same year there were
                          still 6,676 patients in th.é institutions.

                             lOl-Number of Patients I\dmiHed 10 Hospilals for lhe insane.  Governmeril eJ'pendilure.

                                                          DISCnARGED DUR1NO THE YE~R (L)
                                  YEUtS         c                                        Amùunta
                                               ...., "                                  pair! l>y tbe
                                                                                       Cou n'nI JlJen t
                                                                              8 "
                             :~~t·.:::',:",". ~ ~ ~". ~".::: ~ ~l  l,7,jl  3;i1j
                                                                 ~ i 1
                                                     ) "L')
                             )\}23.....•....•....•...  1:~i~t7    .~ 1
                             19"2.2....••••..•.••.•..•.  1.183    ·~al:.':
                             l02l....  .   .         1. !r~      ;;.'B"!
                             Ino             .       1,200        f'l
                             1919           .       J .132        2[\1
                             l\ll.~         , .     J.·l87        210
                             1917.............•.....  1,,100      11'.:.\
                             1\115....••..•..•....• , •.  l ,2!lB  :;,0'-'
                             1910            .       l.Of;:l      l,
                             lf1J.1          .       1,3:27       Il>f>
                             1\/13           .       1,07!1       i!?!)
                             Ifll2........•..•..•.....  l,OH      fl7
                             EHI            .         9  1 {)     113
                             )\)!O          ..       l, :lX)      }(il!
                             I\lOg          .        D6           ~Z
                             l\ll)S          .        .20         H!~
                             1\107           .        ,Q~f;       MI
                             1\1l)6   .               7 ()        57
                             190',............•..••...  720       72
                             1\104           .        SOI         71
                             1\103.........•..........  600
                             1\102.........•..........  687
                             ]90l.           .        613:')
                             1000     .               61Jl
                                 (1) De:  nO  J1clude p[l,Lj.,nt,~ l.ram;;.rl~rrpd to :Ul(]llu'-r !lrIRp'....t or cVDsions.
                                 (2; l~xcllJ!li\'c of snms p •.id to oJt.•10- II de Di u JlOllj}ita.l.
                                 [3\  3.clll<ive of oum. p•.id tu 81. Michel A ]"'b" no.opitll.1.
                               ExLract From S'.lJt·itf,l...~s. of benej)o~cnl ins'.ilulion8, Qrœbec.
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