Page 239 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 239

PUBLIC CHARITIES                             209

                                   HOSPITALS. MATERNITIES AND FOUNDLING HOSPITALS.
                            There were 61 hospitals, maternities and foundling hospitals III
                        the Province in 1925; the patients admitted into these institutions in
                        the same year numbered 65,226. The number of physicians in attendance
                        was 523, in 1925, as against 262, in 1914.

                            10S-Statement showing the Number of Institutions, Staff and Patients for the years
                               CLASSIFlCATlON       1920   1921   1922    1923   1924    1925
                          Num!>.r of bo.pitals " ............  1  no  411  52  62  62      M
                          Number Df mn ternilie8 ............. 1  4  4  4   4       4      4
                          Number of foundling ho.-;piLals ...•.  2  2  2    2       3      3
                          Number of PhysiciaoA... , .........
                          Number DI Durses : Te1igiouB .........  400  369  443  373  4.l4  523
                                       'ay ... .. . ....
                          Number of other employee•.. .......  017  848  1,048  1,0;'3  920  1.036
                          Number of p~tienls on Lhe lst. Jan ..  902  ü19  857  796  U91  1,569
                          Num!:er of ""tient••dmitted during  1,1.13  1.160  1,370  1,034  1,379  1,319
                            the ye[lT ...........•..•........  4,782  3,085  3,342  2,972  3.443  3..'\.12
                          Nurnbcr or patient. on tbe 31.t De·  51,389  52,938  501 ,.530  48,135  52,020  65,~:l6
                            cember.... _...... ' .. ' ....... ' .  4,159  3,307  3,290  2,810  3,4-12  4,331
                          N urobeT 0" pRtien tB decea.sed during  3,849  3,304  3,460  3,210  3,792  4,614
                            the yeaf.  ........ .. .....
                                            I09-Classlfication of Pntients Admilted.
                          -~--_ ..                 1920    1921   1922    1923   1924    1925
                          Numher of C'  "UiI\:fL ~drnitted ..... ---- ----- ----- ---- -----
                          Number or plltienta of ether nat.ionA-  40,5S0  39,031  48,2501  37,382  48,981  52,785
                           litles ndrnllted ....... ' .. ' .......  5,371  7,393  9,551  0,253  9,848  11.253
                          Notionality. not Ggecified. . .......  1,438  6,514  ... ....... ..  ..  5,030
                          PaYlng pl1üent.8 fi mlt.t.ed ..........  18,031  17,652  "Ù)il5'  Il ,976  18,688  19,078
                          Part pf:l:ying po.l\cnls .. . ....... .... .  11,245  12,902  12,675  7,386  8,082  11,231
                          Non-paying patienle............•.  16,837  15.fl29  20,327  15,018  19,281  20.671
                          Nurnhr of beds for patients........  5,297  4,916  5,001  '1,218  5.572  5,010
                          Ambulaoce cali....................  11),020  10,409  8,395  7,916  6,281  7,617
                            It is. noticeahle from the following table that the lllajority of the
                        diseases treated are genet'al or epidemic   01' deal with the digestive
                        organs, The patients coming within the categories mentioned, totalled
                        14,949 in 1925,

                                   llO-Classification of Patients according to Nature of DiseaBe.

                              Dl8EASES TIŒATED     1020                                 1925
                                                   6,010                                6,781
                          GonClfU or epidernic  .  2,273                                 .~,007
                          Of the nen'ou ~ Bj-·st..em " . . . . • . •.  ••  1,214        2,342
                          Of the circulatoJ'Y F1y~leDl  .  3,701                        5,811
                          Of the re~piratOI)rsYf>tem.  6,555                            8,168
                          Of the digestive .y.tem.
                          Of the  genito-urinary  orgM' and  4,347  4,062               6,404
                           aOneXeb..  . .  . ... '. , ...•  4.074  4,1H                 3,881
                          Puerperal .tnte .. " ....
                          Of and ceUt1J  ti.ssue'J ...  2,633  2,210       2,013
                          or the IOcOTnolor OJW:lll'a. ....  1,081  1,107                1,677
                          Derel'tive con(orffioL20D.  625   607                          498
                          Conffp.nilrJ  dehilily,  diseaa:e~" 'of
                           c~tildren ..•.          2,074   3,068                        2,719
                          Oln "gû               .    171     09                           152
                          AffecLio~  due  ta e:derunl  ('a.U3es
                           {o.ttcmpl nt  suicide.  ilccideots,
                           vioJence. et.c.)  '  , .•..  2,258  2,1",  4,525  2,285  2,598  2,875
                          Unknown 01 ill-delined disea.e•.....  1,1l(l:~  446  1,383  3,63'1  5,390  1,999
                                                 3i~o9-'I'-]-4-,5-9-7- --42--,-5-55-- -4-3-,182- -"45-:303
                                 TOTAL.                                                 51,017
                   (lf 8etlevoJenL InslÙ,s.
   234   235   236   237   238   239   240   241   242   243   244