Page 231 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 231

PENAL INSTITUTIONS                            201

                                96-Stlltistics of Reformatory Schools of the Province, for the year 1925.

                                                                            SCHOOLS AT
                                                                     MODLreal  IliOD LrcaI  Showbridge
                                                                      (boy.)   (girls)  (bD}'.)

                           Eat.abIished in             ,           .   lSï2     1870    1908
                           Pupi!. in 1826 :-
                              Number OD Lh" J.,t JaDUI>rY          .     241       6B       55
                              Number nomittcd duriog' the yenr     .     725       43       23
                              Number di:s('hllftl:,(;d durin~ the year  ,  .  67ï  31       19
                              Nurnberon Lloe31stDecember 1925  ,   .     289       78       59
                              Total uumber of day, of delention ...    102,479  2G,5!i.l  21,919
                              Maximum nurober o{l'upil•.                 321       81       B3
                           Nationa/uv 0/ pu»i!-o :-
                              F'rench Cnnndion.. . . . . . .  . . "  .   249       63        1
                              Rril,i'b Càn:>diaD . . . .. . . .. •. . .  .' .............•.  16  1  47
                              Foreign borD.. .. .  .  , . . . . . . . . . .  .  .  2i  14   11
                                                                         289       78       li9
                                         TOTJ\L         .
                           Birlh. place :-
                             CnDada             ,         .              268       72       48
                              Uni Led SLot.oo  , ............•................•.  12  2      3
                             Otber counLrie.  .                    .       \1       4        8
                                                                         289       18       59
                                         TOTAr.. ....••..•••.........
                           R,li(J'ion 0/ pupa. :-
                              Romon CaLholir.                      .     288       77       4
                              Pfol.eFitant~   '.' .,  , . ..........•.........  1   1       46
                              OLheneliiPon...  '  .........................•......  ..........  9
                                         TOTAL.     \ ..•.....•..•.      289       78       59
                           t'amiiy Stal'tu of ptl.pi13 :-
                              H,,,,in!: botb Cather ~nd l'noLher  ..     187       46       34.
                              F"Lhrrl.", ...............................••..........  35  16  14
                              Mot~erle              , .......• , ..•.....  43      II       9
                              Orphaoo        "                   .        24        fi       2
                                         TOT.\L.......•.                 289       78       59
                           HeaUh condirion8 0/ p"pir.. :-
                              NUOlber of pupils in infirmMY OD IRt Jonuar}' 1925  .  4       7
                              Numbel' of pupil. :>dmil ted Lo inlirmnry durjng Lhe year  .  101  21  220
                              Numbr.r in iotirmlLry ou 3ht D('I;cHlbcr 1925  .  1   1        5
                     uumber of dnY6 in infirmal·Y  .     326      639     3,197
                           FtNANCIAt. STAT'EMRNT:-
                              AmounL paid for board per "~çit,o, per ...........•...  $  200.00  $  lBO.OO  683.91
                            R""ipl. :-
                              A.mount. paie! by the Gov.mmeDt  ,   .  53,922.67  Il,4'13.90  29,010.40
                              C,ll. Dnd Je~;lrie•..................• ,  .       429.36  44,529 26
                              Qt.ber revenuu:I      ,         .     .46,". !>.65  32,l170.78  25,606.21
                                         TOTAL............•.. , ,  .  99,208.22  44,844 .0"  99,US.87
                            E::tpendullre ;-
                              SfilDTle'i! ofFlta.fJ.....................•...................  15,210.59  6,327.58  29,989.78
                              Food lor pUllil•................•... , .•.........•..•....  44,031 35  12,154.08  13,~93.01
                              Laundry and elothing Cor pupi"   .     14,993.15  5,925 28  4.,534.08
                              H."tiog ond I;gh Li.og..•........ " ..........•........•.•.  9,017.62  3,217.09  7,521.17
                              Rent, taxes, repatts, iUSUlB.Dce, elc  , .. ,  .  14,699.01  5,538.46  21,371.61
                              Otber e,p<>Dse•.....•...................................  G,682.55  15,431. r9  20,587 .55
                                            TOTAL...... ..•...................  ID",S04.V  018,644.78  97,197. ID

                           E.LreoL el SUUi8tiC8 0/ peoal i1l8Iil,,'.ooo 0/ the Pro';"•• 0/ Quabe.;.
   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234   235   236