Page 135 - index
P. 135

                            Tlie nmnicipiility  sliiiU, liowever, in opening- an  orij^inal road make
                        reasonable cH)nipensation to persona having title or interest  ir. the same.
                            Claims for such compensation must be made within one year from
                        the time of the laying out or taking possession by the municipality or its
                        ofiicers of such road, or such part thereof as compensation is claimed for.
                            <*Ai. Bicyclists' Guide Posts.  The .sign-posts which the Canadian
                        Wheelmen's Association may  erect along the highways for the benefit of"
                        bicyclists and other travellers, to show distances, and as dangei- signals at
                        liiils unsafe for bic^'clists, shall not be placed so as to obstruct the high-
                        way or endanger the safety of anj' person travelling thereon  ; neither nuist
                        tliere be any advertisements or notices place<l thereon except the names of
                        places, distances, and the danger signals previously mentioned.  Penalty
                        for  violating these provisions  is  i?5  for every offence,  to  l)e recovered
                        before a justice of the peace.
                            015. General Powers.  1. The Council of every nuniicipality may pass
                        by-laws for the opening or stopping up of roads and streets; for entering
                        upon and using land for said purposes; for setting apart carriageways,
                         boulevards and sidewalks  : for preventing and removing obstructions fi-om
                         highways, and permitting the erection of bridges or subways for passage
                        of cattle.
                            2. The councils of  cities, towns and  villages may pass by-laws  for
                        setting apart certain portions of streets for boulevards, for regulating the
                        construction of the same  ; for permitting owners of property to construct
                        the .same at their own, but in such way as not to impede ])ublic
                         travel, and for regulating already constructed on any street, and for
                        protection of all boulevards on the public streets.
                            <»I4». Openings in Sidewalks.  Councils may permit areas or openings
                         to be c(jnstructed in or under the sidewalks and streets, make annual
                        charges for use of such privileges, and enforce collection of same as the
                         ordinary' taxes.
                            01 T. Bicycle Paths. The councils of all nnuiicipalities may pass l)y-
                         laws for setting apart certain portions of any street or liighway for the
                         purposes of a bicycle path, and any person riding or driving any horse or
                         vehicle over or along such path is liable to tine.
                            018. Tolls.  The Council of any municipality may pass bj'-laws for
                         raising money by  toll on any bridge or road to defray the of
                         making and repairing the same.
                            They may also grant to any other person, in consideration of plank-
                         ing, gravelling, or macadamizing a road, or building a bridge, a similar
                         privilege for a term not exceeding twenty-one years from the completion
                         of the work, and after such completion  has been declared by a by-law
                         of the Council authorizing tolls to be collected.
                            And for granting special privileges to road and bridge companies,
                         permitting them to take toll, and providing for a proper examination of
                         their work by the Coupcil.
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