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128                 MUNICIPAL LAW.
                       ilelay iih reasonably may be, to make, repair and maintain the same at the
                       expense of the county.
                           2. Tlie (Jounty Council may assume, make and maintain any township
                       or county boundary line at the expense of the county, or may from time to
                       time f^rant such sums in aid of the said purposes as they deem exjiedient.
                           ;}. In case of a bridj^'e o\ er a stream forming or crossinj^ the boundary
                       line between two or more counties, or a county, city or .separated town,
                       such brid<re shall be erected and maintained by the councils of the county,
                       city and se])arated town, respectively, as may be agreed upon, and in case
                       of i'ailui'e to aji;ree as to the respective pcjrtions of the expense to be borne
                       by each it shall be settled by arbitration.
                           4. A road which lies wholly or partially between two municipalities
                       shall be rej^arded as a boundary line. althou<j;h such road may deviate  sO'
                       that in some places it may be wholly' within one of the nnuiicipalities, .and
                       a bridf^e built over any stream crossing such road wliere  it deviates shall
                       still be held to be a bridge over a stream crossing a boundary line, within
                       the meaning of this and the previous section.
                           5. The Council of any county may pass a by-law providing that the
                       roads, rivers, streams, ponds or lakes, refei'i-ed to in this and the ])revious
                       sections as forming part of or crossing the boundary  line between two
                       municipalities within the county shall mean such as are not than
         k'            eighty feet in width.
                           In the event of the County Council passing such a by-law as this, then
                       the councils of the local municipalities bordering on such boundary lines
                       .shall erect and maintain bridges over  all such streams as are  less than
                       eighty feet in width.
                           »»!>8. Disputes  Between Count}' Council and the Council of any
                       other municipality as to whether the duty and liability to build and main-
                       tain a bridge over any  " river, sti'cam, lake or ))ond "  rests upon  .such
                       County Council or such other Council arising, either party may bring an
                       action in the High Court of Justice against the other to try the (juestion
                       in dispute, or the High Court may,  u])on the application of either party,
                       compel, by mandamufi, the performance of such duty by the party upon
                       whom it rest.s.
                           5!M>. Driftwood.  Where a river or .stream forms the boundary line
                       between to or more municipalities within the county, it is the duty of the
                       County Council to keep such stream free from driftwood or fallen timber.
                           If the river or stream forms the boundary line between two or more
                       counties, or a county, city or .separated town, it shall then devolve upon
                       the councils of the counties or a county, city or .separated town, respectively,
                       to keep such strean?  free, and in case of disagreement as to respective
                       shares of the, the matter must be .settled by arbitration.
                           <»00. Township Roads.  All township boundaiy lines not a.ssumed
                       by the County Council shall be opened, maintained and improved by the
                       township councils, except such bridges, as pre\nouHly mentioned, coming
                       under the jurisdiction of the County Council.
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