Page 140 - index
P. 140

                                       MUNICIPAL LAW,                   137
                      An ixcL'iition is made in respt-ct to the lan<l.s lyinjf east of the Count}-
                   of Frontenac, where tlie distance is one huiuh'cd yards instead of aeventj-
                       0:M». Mode of Proceeding.  Any owner of land desirinjr a ditch to
                   be constrncteil must tile with tiie Clerlv of  tlie Municipality a declaration
                   of ownersiiip, which may be taken before a justice of the peace or the
                   Clerk, then <five a written
                      0;U. Notice to Other Owners  of  land  wiio  reciuire  the  ditch,
                   naming a day, and hour and place convenient to the site of the ditch at
                   which all the owners are  t(j meet and estimate the cost, and agree, if pos-  vPfc
                   sible, upon the apportionment of the work and tiie supply of material among  m
                   them according to theii- respective interests.  The notice shall be served
                   not less than twelve clear days before the time named for the meeting.
                      4»;W. Form of Agreement.  If an agreement  is arrived at by the
                   owners  it  shall  l)e reduced to writing anil signed by all the owners, and
                   tiled with the Clerk of the Municipality within six days after the signing
                      If the lands affected  lie in two or more municipalities there must be
                   that number of agreements signed, and one tiled with the Clerk of each of
                   the municipalities.
                      Such agreement is bindiu"-, and mav be enforced in like manner as an
                   award by the engineer.
                      if the notices reipiiied to be given have been complied with no other
                   informality shall render the agreement void.
                      If. at or before the meeting of owners, it is discovered that the ])roper
                   notices ha<l not been given, or given in time, the owners present at such
                   meeting may adjourn the same to a subsecjuent day to allow the necessary
                   notices to be given.
                       iill9- Signature of Reeve.  The Reeve or other head of the Council
                   shall have to sign the agreement on behalf of the municipality, and his
                   signature shall be l)inding upon the corporation.                 i«!
                       040. Asking for Engineer.  1. In  case  the owners  of  the  land
                   cannot come to an agreement at the meeting, or within five days thereafter,
                   tiien the owner re(|uiring the ditch may tile with the Clerk a requisition  ill
                   naming theivin the several tracts of land to be att'ected by the ditch and
                   the respective owners tiiereof, and reijucsting that the engineer apiuiinted
                   by the municipality be asked to ajipoint a time and place in the locality of
                   the proposed (litch at wliieli he will attend to make an exanunation of the
                       '2. The Clerk, upon receipt of such retpiisition, will forthwith .send by
                   registereil letter a copy of the same to the engineer, who will, upon  its
                   receipt, notify the Clei-k of the time and  pliice at which he will attend,
                   wliieli shall not be than t(Mi nor more than sixteen clear days from the
                   time  he received  the  reipiisition.  On  receii)t of  the  notice from  the
                   engineer the Clerk will .send a copy of such notice to the owner making
                   the  retpiisition, who  shall, at  least  four clear days  befoi-e the time  .so

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