Page 139 - index
P. 139
at a sum not i-xci-eiliny !?1 per day. Whore no by-law has been passed the
statute labor of non-residents in townships shall be comniuted at the rate
of SI for ";icii da3-'s labor.
ti. Every farmer's son entered as such on the Assessment Roll, shall,
if not otherwise exemjit, be liable to statute labor, same as though not so
4. Tenant farmers' sons, honn fid,', on the farm of his father or mother,
ai'e exempt from statute labor.
."). Non-residents who ha\"e not recpiired their names to be entered on
the roll are not permitted to perform statute labor, Init must commute for
the same. When such non-residents who have their names on the roll,
and who do not perform the labor or pay the counnutation for the same,
the pathmaster shall return the same to the Clo-k as a defaulter before the
loth day of August, and the Clerk will enter the amount on the roll as
G. If any resident makes default in performing the labor or paying
the commutation, the pathmaster shall return him as a defaulter befoi'o the
L")th day of November, and the Clerk will enter the amount on the roll to
be collected as tax the following year.
7. In every such case the Clerk shall notify the overseer of highway's
who may be apjiointed for such division in the following year, of the
amount of such comnuitation, who shall expend the .same upon the roads in
said division, who shall give an order upon the treasurer to the ])erson
performing the woi'k.
]\[miicipalities are required to keep printed copies of all the forms
re(|uired under this Act.
iilVi. Appointment of Engineer. Eveiy I\Iuiiicipal Council .shall, by
by-law, appoint an engineer to carry out the provisions of this Act, who
shall remain such othcer until his appointment is revoked by by-law, of
which he .shall have notice, and another engineer appointe<l in his place.
iHlli. Limit of Work. Every ditch constructed under this Act shall
be continued to a sutticient outlet, but nmst not through or into more
than seven original township lots, unless upon petition of a majority of
the owners of the land.' to be atfected by the ditch the Council passes a
resolution to so extend the same.
0;{4. Limit of Cost. No ditch to be constructed under this Act
shall, according to the estimate, cost more than !*1,000.
0;J5. Lands Liable for Construction. I.,ands lying within seventy-
^<! Jj five waitlth from the sides and point of eonnuencement of the <litch are
liable for of construction. Jjands which adjoin a road allowance
traversed by the ditch shall not be liable iniless they aie directly bene-
fiteil, and then oidv to the extent of the benefit.