Page 133 - index
P. 133
130 .MrXICrPAI. LAW,
For the purposoH of ivjyiNtmtioii a dupli'-nto ori;;iiial of tlio by-liiw
shall liu made out, ccrtiHod uikIci' tlii' hand of the (Mcrk and the Hoal of
thu municipality and rc^jisti'ird without di^lay.
Such ap'L'L'ua'nt iiftiT ici^nHtration of the hy-law hinds each of tho
unini('i})alitios, tfivcs thcni sole J>u'isdiction over that portion of the road,
ami rcmlers them lialtle foi' all damages incurred hy reason of neglect to
keep in repair, and relieves the otiier municipality from liability in respect
to such portion of tho road.
000. Roads Vested in Her Majesty. No Council shall intcrfero
with any public road or bridge vested as a provincial work in Her Majjsty,
or in any Public Department or Board. Hut at any time, if the Lieutenant-
(lovernor in Council, by proclamation, deciurcs that such public road or
l>ridge is no longer inider the control of the connni.'^Nioner, and then after
the day named in the pi'oclamation no tolls shall thereafter be levied by
him thereon, and tlu- road or bridge shall "thereafter be controlled and kept
in repair by the Council of the nnniicipality whose dutj' it is to lepair tho
001. Ordnance Roads. Without the consent of the Dominicm
CJovernment no Council shall ])fiss a bydaw :
(1) For stopping up or altering the direction of any street, lane or
thoroughfare made or laid out by Her Majesty's Ordnance, or the .Secretary
of State in whom the Ordnance Estates became vested under the Statute of
the Province of Canada, or the Consolidated Statutes of Cunuda, or hy the
Dominion of Canada; ov,
(2) For openinjf any conniumication through any lands held by tho
Dominion of Canada: or,
{'•i) Interfering with any bridge, wharf, dock, ipiay, or other work
vested in the Dominion of Canada; or,
(4) Interfering with any land held for military purposes, or with tho
integritj' of the public defences.
Any bj'^-law for any of tho purposes aforesaid shall bo null and void
unless it recites such consent.
008. Roads for Ingress and Egress. No Council shall close up
any public road whether an original allowance, or one opened by the
Quarter Sessions, or by a Council, or otherwise legally ostal)lished, whereby
any person will be excluded from ingress and egress to and from his lands
or place of residence over such road, unless the Council, in addition to
compensation, also provides for tho use of such person some other con-
venient road to .said lands or residence.
If the amount of comj)on.sation oft'ored, or the road provided in lieu of
tlie one to be closed up is not mutually agreed upon ])etwoen the Council
and such owner the matter in dispute shall be roft-rrcd to arbitration.
00i>. Width of Roads. No Council, except that of a city or town,
shall lay out any road or street more than 100 feet nor less than 66 feet in
width, unless with the permis.sion of the County Council; but anyroad
when altered may be of the same width as before.
No street or road shall be laid out by any owner of land of a less