Page 132 - index
P. 132
UOI. New Road Allowance. In cast' of n town.ship Ixmiulary lino
on whicli a road nllowaiu'o lias not Iji'cn itsitnciI in the orijfinal survey,
tlie Council ol' any one of tho muiiicipalitics lionlt-i'jn^ on such hountlaiy
lino may pass a by-law for actjuirinj;- the laud necessary for otie-hnlf of the
rt'ijuired road allowance.
Within four day.s after the passinif of the b^'-law, the Clerk shall send
a copy of the by-law, by rejji.stered letter, to the Clerk of the adjoiniu}^
<>0'/i. Both Councils Must Concur. In casi the other Council or
councils for six months after notice of the by-law mentioned in previous
section omits to pass a by-law in similar terms, the and liabilities of
each municipality shall be referred to arbitration.
The arbitrators ma}'^ decide upon the proportion of the cost of the land
which will be re({uir(>d upon each side of .such l)oundary line for a road
allowance, which shall be borne "by each municipality: and shall also have
power to decide whether a road allowanci' shall be laid out or not.
If the arbitrators decide a<;ainst the layin<,'ont of .said road allowance,
then no further proceedings shall be taken for a pt'riod of two years, or
such further time as the arbitrators may determine upon, but not exceeding
in all four years.
iiitli. Township Boundary Lines. Township boundary lines which
are also county botnidary lines, but which have not lieen assumed or main-
tained by the respective counties, are to be maintained by the respective
town.ships bordering on the same, except such bridges as the county
councils are i'e([uired under the provisions of this Act to maintain.
004. Joint Jurisdiction. In case a road lies wluilly or partly
between a county, city, town, township or village, and an adjoining county
or counties, city, town, township or village, the councils of the various
nuuiicipalities between which the road lies have Joint jurisdiction over the
same, although the road may so deviate as to be in some places wliolly
within either of them. The term " road " here shall not include a bridge
on such boundary line which the County Council is re(|uired to maintain.
No by-law of the Council of any one of such nmnicipalities passed in
resjiect to such roa<l or bridge shall have any force until a by-law has
been passed in similar terms as nearly as may be by the other councils
having joint jurisdiction.
In case the other Council or councils for six months after notice of
the by-law omit to pass a b^'-law in similar terms the duties and liabilities
of each municipality interested .shall be referred to arbitration.
005. Maintenance Alternately. The councils of adjoining townships
may enter into an agreement for the maintenance of a boundary line road
between such townships, whereb}' each township undertakes for a term,
not exceeding ten years, to keep in repair any portion of such road for its
whole width and to save harmless the other town.ship from any loss or
damage arising from want of repair of such portion.
Any such agreement, when confirmed by by-law of the Council of each
of the contracting townships, shall be registered in the registiy office of the
registry district in which n»unicipalities are situate.