Page 137 - index
P. 137
If tlie township councils inform such comniissioncr tliat they will
oxecuti' the work, the coinniiHsioner may delay proei'etlin<,fs for a reasonahle
time. If tlu' township otHcors do not, durinj;' the favorable season, proceed
witli it, the couunissioner shall inidertake and finish it.
In case any one in possession of a concession, road or side line h-is laid
out another nnid in place thereof, without receivinj^ compensation therefor
in lieu thereof, and tlio (.'ouncil, upon re[)ort in writing of its surveyor or
of an Ontario land surveyor, that such now roa<! is sufficient for the
of a pnblic hi<,diway, may convey such ori<,nnal road allowance in fee simple
to such person.
ii'tli. Possession of Unopened Road Allowances. In case any
person is in possession of any part of a (lovernment allowance for
a road adjoining his lot and enclosed by a lawful fence, and which
has not been opened by reason of another road being used in lieu thereof,
such per.son shall, as against any private person, be deemed to be in posses-
sion thereof until a by-law for opening such road has been passed by the
Eight days' notice in writing, before the meeting of Council, nnist be
given such person that an ajjplication will l)e made for opening such road,
before such by-law could be passed.
ii'i-i- Aiding Adjoining M^micipalities. The Coimcil of any munici-
pality may pass by-laws for aidiiig an adjoining municipality in making,
opening, widening, or otherwise improving any road, bridge or highway
passing from or through such nuTnicipalitj'.
The sums determined upon 'ly the County Council, as necessary for
the work, shall be paid by the County Treasurer on the orders of the com-
missioner, and the amount retained out of any moneys in his hands belong-
ing to the respective townships ; and if there are not any such moneys
belonging to any of the townships in his hands, before striking the next
county rate an additional rate shall be levied by the county against such
0*-55. County Boundary Lines- In case the several townships
interested in any county boundary line as to their respective shares of
money to be paid or work to be done on the same, one or more of such
township councils may apply to the wardens of tlu; bonlering counties to
determine jointly the amount which each township .shall expend in money
or work. The County Judge in such case shall l)e the third arbitrator.
The Warden of the County in which the township first maknig the
application shall, within eight days, convene the meeting to determine the
matter, which shall be within twenty-one days from the time of recei\ing
the application.
0!40. Mineral Rights Under Roads. The councils of any county
or township, wherever minerals ai*e founil, may sell or lease privately or
by public auction the right to take minerals found under any public road
under their jurisdiction.
No such sale or lease .sliall take place until due notice has been given,
by posting up in six of the most public places in the innnediate neighbor-