Page 130 - index
P. 130
iMW. Approaches to Bridges. The appnmclius for one lunidred iVct
to each end of all bridj^eH arfwuined by or under the jurisdiction of any
municipality hIuiU be kept up by such nuuiicipality, and the reuiaininir
portions of such approaches to be kept up and maintained by the nmnici-
pality in which they are situate.
51M. Liability for Damages. 1. Every public road, street or bridge
shall be kept in repair by the municipality responsible for the same, and
in default, the corporation, besides the ordinary penalties provided by law,
shall also be civilly liable for all damages sustained V)y any person by
reason of such default. The action nuist be brought within three months
after the damages vren^ sustained.
2. No municipality shall be liable for accidents caused by persons
falling owing to snow or ice upo!i the sidewalks, e.xcept in cases of
negligence by the corporation.
6. No action to enforce a claim for damages under this .section shall
be brought unless notice in writing of the accident, an<l the riiereof,
has been served upon or mailed through the Post-oHice to the mayor,
reeve or other head of the corporation, oi' to the Clerk of the Munici-
pality, within thii'ty days after the accident occurred, where the action is
against a township, and within seven days where the action i,s against a
city, town or village.
In case of death the want of notice would be no bar to the action.
This section does not apply to any street, bridge or road laid out by
any private person, unless it had been assumed for public use by the
.Wo. Corporation Only Liable. In case where an action may be
brought against a municipal corporation by any person for damages caused
by default of a municipality to keep any public road, street or bridge
in repair, the action must be against the corporation, and not against any
member of the Council, officer or employee personally.
This does not include a peraon who is a mere contractor with the
corporation, and negligence may have cau.sed the damage.
51M». County Roads and Bridges. The County Council has exclu-
Ufi'' I
sive jurisdiction :
1. Over all roads and bridges lying wholly within any township,
town, or village in the county which the Council, by by-law, assumes, with
the consent of such other municipality, as a county road or bridge.
2. Over all bridges across streams, rivers, ponds or lakes separating
two townships in the comity.
8. Over all bridges crossing streams or rivers over 100 feet in width,
within the limits of any incorporated village in the county, and connecting
any main highway leading through the county.
4. Over all bridges over rivers, streams, ponds or lakes, forming or
crossing boundary lines between two local municipalities in the county.
5JH. Maintaining County Roads and Bridges- 1. For all the
roads and bridges enumerated in the previous section, over which the
County Council has jurisdiction, the Council is required, with as little