Page 136 - index
P. 136
OIJ>. Exemption from Tolls. 1. Officers and men of the volun-
teers, when in uniform, and their horses siiall be exempt from the payment
of any toll in passinijf tollgate or bridj^e in tliis province.
2. Persons going to or returning from divine service, on Sunday or
statutory holiday, witii their carriages and horses, families and servants,
shall pass toll-free through any tollgate through which the}' may have
occasion to pass, wdiether such road belongs to the Province, the munici-
pality, or a company.
H. Vehicles, horses and cattle belonging to the proprietor or occupier
of any lands divided by a toll road are exempt when passing from one part
of th(! farm to another, for domestic purposes only, providing they do not
go more than one-half mile along such road either in going or coming.
4. All vehicles and horses drawing the .same, laden solely with manure,
passing from a city or town into the county parts within twenty miles, for
the purposes of agriculture, are e.xempt from tolls, both in going from and
in returning to, if empty, This does not upply to tolls on a biidge, unless
the tolls art vested in the Crown.
0'<J0. Gravel Beds. The Council of any municipality may purchase
and hold for its own, or jointly with other municipalities, stone
(HUirries and gravel beils for the purposes of constructing and repairing the
streets and highways of such municipalit}' or municipalities, and for selling
the same when no longer rc(iuired.
The right to enter upon such lands, as well as the price to be paid for
the simu\ if not nuitually agreed upon Ijy the parties concerned, shall be
settled by arbitration.
<W1. Selling Road Allowances- In selling the original road allow-
ance where another road has been opened up in lieu thereof, for whicli com-
pensation has been paid, or in selling any other road legally' stopped up or
altered to the owners of the adjoining land, if such owners refuse to purchase
at the price the C<juncil deemed reasonable, the Council may then sell to
any other person for the same ot' gi'eater price.
ii'i'i. Repair of Township Roads- 1. Where township comicils
fail by nnitual agieement as to the share to be borne by each to maintain
township boundary lines, not assumed by the Count}' Council, in the same
way as other township roads, one or more of such townships may apply to
the County Council to enforce joint action on all the townships interested.
2. In case none of the township councils interested move in the
matter, it is competent for a majorit}' of the ratepayers resident on the
lots bonlering on either side of such to petit'^'U the County Council to
enforce the opening or repair of such roads.
.S. The County Council receiving such petition, either from the rate-
payers or a Townshi]) Council, may act upon it at such meeting as it is
presented, and determine the amount which each of the said townships shall
ap))ly for the opening or repair of such road, or the expenditure of a certain
amount of statute labor upon the same, or both, as may seem nece,ssary.
The County Council shall appijint a commissioner to execute or enforce
their orders.