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126                MUNICIPAL LAW.
                          HHU- Electric Cars on Highways.  No Council of any municipality,
                      except cities, town.s and incorporated  vill!i;j;es, can ffrant to any company
                       the of any liij^livvay for the purpo,se of runninjj any kind of an electric
                      car or earriaj^e without the written consent first beinp; obtained of the
                      owners of one-half the property fronting on such street or highway, unless
                       upon petition to the Commissioner of Public Works, he dispenses with
                      the nece.ssity of such consent being obtained, such being in his opinion for
                      the public interest.
                          500. Traction Engines and Bridges.  1. Before it .shall be lawful
                      to run a tractit)n engine over any highway (where no tolls are levied)
                      the person ruiniiiig the same is ret|uired at his own expense to strengthen
                      all bridges and culverts to Ix' cro8.sed by such engine, and keep the same in
                      repair so long as the highway is .so used.
                          If there are different engines owned by different persons using such
                      bridges or culverts, the expen,se shall be borne by the various owners in
                      proportion to the number of engines owned, respectively.
                          2. In regard to toll road.*, the owners of such engines are retjuired to
                      notify the owner of such  toll road two months previous to the running of
                      auch engine to strengthen the bridges.
                          The owners of -such  toll road may levy such tolls for the passage of
                      any engine through every lawful gate as seems to them just, and if the
                      owner of tiie engine  is dissati.sfied with the rate of toll, the same may be
                      .settled by ai'bitrators, one of whom to be appointed by the owner of the
                      engine and one by the proprietors of the road, and the two so appointed
                      shall choose a third.  The decision of the majority shall be binding.
                          3. Any person violating the provisions of this Act is  liable on con-
                      viction, upon the oath of one reliable witness before a justice of the peace,
                      to a penalty not less than  !?•') nor more than S25, the co.sts to be in the
                      discretion of the Justice.  In default of payment, and failure of distress,
                      then to imprisoimient for a term not less than one day nor more than
                          Fine or imprisonment would not bar a claim  for damages by the
                      injured party.
                          5JM. What are Highways- All allowances made for roads by the
                      Crown surveyors, and all roads laid out by any statute, or any roads
                      whereon public money has been expended for opening the -same, or whereon
                      statute labor has been usually pei'formed, or anj' roads passing through
                      the Indian lands shall be deemed connnon and public highways, unless
                      altered according to law.
                          Lands dedicated by any owner thereof for a street or public highway
                      are not subject to any dower by the wife of .said owner.
                         o9!8. Villages Assuming County Bridges. The councils of counties
                      and villages may pass by-laws for carrying out an arrangement by which
                      the villages may assume ar./ bridge within its limits under the juiisdiction
                      of the County Council, and for such bridge to be free from toll, and for
                      payment to the county of such sum as may be agreed upon as part of the
                      cost of construction.
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