Page 126 - index
P. 126

MUNICIPAL LAW.                   I'J.-?
                       .WO. Corporations Share  of Local Improvement  Debts.  The
                   Council may all by-laws from time to time to raise loans and borrow
                   money  required  for  its  sliaie  of any  local improvements.  It  is not
                   necessary to obtain the  as.sent of the electors for the passinij of such
                   by-law, provided always that the  (general debt of the municipality shall
                   not be extended thereby beyond the limits fixed by the statute.
                       The Act proviiles that debentures issued under  local improvement
                   by-laws do not form part of the j^encral debt of the municipality, and need
                   not be recited in any by-law for borrowing money on the credit of the
                   municipality  ; but that it shall bo sufficient to state that the general debt is
                   exclusive of local improvement del)ts secured by special rates.
                       581. Abandoned Toll Roads.  Councils  of  townships,  on  the
                   petition of two-thirds in number of the owners names appear on
                   the last revi.sed Assessment Roll, and as representing one-half in value of
                   the property to be a.sses.sed, may jiass Ijy-laws providing for the maintenance
                   and repair of an abandoned  toll load in the nuniicipality, aiid declare
                   what proportion of the fost shall be borne by the property immediately
                   benefited by the work, end what proportion shall be borne by the general
                   funds of the township.
                       HH'i. Township Roads and Local Improvement.  In  case (dl the
                   .owners of the projierty (jr lots abutting on any  roatl, street or highway
                   in any part of a township petition the Council to macadamize, gravel,
                   plank or otherwise improve and to drain the same, or to build a bridge in
                   connection therewith, the Council may procure an engineer or an Ontario
                   land surveyor, to make an examination, and to report thereon, giving the
                   respective lands to be benefited thereby, and the proportion of benefit to
                   be derived therefrom Ity every such lot, or company, or municipality  ; and
                   the Council, if of the opinion that such work woul<l be desirable, may pass
                   by-laws providing for the same, and issue debentures to cover the cost in
                   sums of not less than .SlOO each, and payable within twenty years from
                   date, with interest at a rate of not less than four per cent.
                       UHll. Counties and Local Improvements.  The County Council
                   may pass by-laws for levying by assessment on all the ratable ju'operty
                   within any particular part of the township, or parts of two townships, to be
                   defined by metes and bounds, to defray the expenses for making, repairing
                   or improving a ritad or bridge or other public work (n^t within the limits
                   of a town or village) providing two-thirds of the electors rated upon the
                   last revised A.ssessment Roll for at one-half of the value of the prc-
                   j)erty to be affected thereby ])etitit)n for such work.
                       A printed  notice of such  petition, with the names of the  signei-s
                   thereto, giving the limits within which the by-law  is to have forco, must
                    be posted up for at least one month in four different places v.Ithin such
                   parts of the township, and at the places for holding' the sittings of the
                   councils of each township, and also be inserted waekly  for three con-
                   secutive weeks in some newspaper published in the county town, if there
                   is no such paper then in two newspapers published nei:rest to the proposed
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