Page 109 - index
P. 109

106                 MUNICIPAL r.AW
                          H'il. Market By Laws-  Subject to the preceding restrictions, the
                       councils of cities, towns and villages may by-laws:
                          J. For establishing markets, or continuing old markets.
                          2. For selling, assigning or leasing market fees.
                          'A. For regulating the  buying  and  selling of  articles  or animals
                       exposed for sale.
                          4. For preventing  (jr regulating the  retail  sale of meat, vegetables,
                       grain, hay, fruit, beverages, smallware, and other articles in the streets.
                          5. For preventing criers and vendors of smallwares from practising
                       their calling on the market place or streets.
                          G. For preventing the forestalling  c.  monopoly  of market grains
                       and  all  otlier  articles and  products usually  sold  in  the market  for
                          Farmers and othei- jiroducers may  sell such jiroduce and  articles at
                       stores and shops at any hour of the day.
                          7. For preventing or regulating the purchase  of such  things  l)y
                       hucksters, grocers and butchers or ruiniers.
                          N. For imposing penalties for light weight, oi- shoi't coinit, or short
                       measurement in an^'thing marketed.
                          !). For seizing and forfeiting bread or other articles of light weight or
                       short measurement.
                          10. For regulating all vehicles, and all other things in which anything
                       is offei'ed for sale, and for iinpo.sing a reasonable duty thereon.
                          11. For selling, after  si.x hours' notice, butcher's meat distrained for
                       rent of market stalls.
                          H'i't. License for Sale of Meat.  The Council of every town and
                       village, ami of every city having less than 100,000 inhabitants, and the
                       Board of Commissioners of  Police of cities having 100,000 inhabitants
                       or more, may pass by-laws granting licenses annually or oftener for the
                       sale of fi'esh meat for less (piantities than by the (piarter carcase, and for
                       regulating the places where such sales shall be allowed  ; and for prevent-
                       ing the sale of fresh meat  in  less quantities than by the quarter carcase,
                       uidess by a person  holiling a valid license and in the place authorized
                       by the Council.
                          The fee allowed for municipalities to charge for such is a sum
                       not exceeding !->")0 in citic^s, and .^25 in towns and villages.
                          H'ilt. Pawnbrokers.  I. Fvery penson who takes, by way of pawn
                       pledge, any goods for (he repayment of money lent thereon, shall be deemed
                       a pawnbroker.
                          2. No person  shall exercise the  trade of  a jxiwnbrokcr unless  he
                       obtains a license from the Treasurer of the Municipality, and which must be
                       renewed annually.
                          .'}. The fee for license is S(]0 per year.
                          4. The ]jenalty for exercising such trade without having ol)tained a
                       license for the same, or renewal, is $'A) with costs for every pledge so taken.
                          5. No person by having one license can keep more than one house or
                       shop for taking goods in pawn.
                          0. A partnership of any number of persons may carry on the trade in
                       the same house under one license.
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