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P. 108
'.i. No by-law shall require hay, straw or other fodder to be weighed,
or wood to be measured, where neither the seller or purchaser desires it.
4. After nine o'clock a.m. from the first day of April to the Kist day
of November, and after ten o'clock a.m. from the first day of November to
the first day of April following, no person is compelled to i-emain on the
market place, but may go elsewhere to sell. The legal market fee, of
course, must be paid. Tliose coming in Liter need not re-sort to the market.
518. Scale of Market Fees. No higher market fees than the
following may be impo.sed
Upon articles (upon which fees may be impo.sed) brought to the
market place in a vcihicle drjiwn by two horses, not more than 10 cents.
Upon articles brought to market in a veliicle drawn by one horse, not
more than 5 cents.
Upon articles brought to market by hand or in a basket, '2 cent.s.
Upon live stock driven upon the uiarket place for sale, as follows:
Every horse, n\are or gelding, not more than 10 cents
Every head of horned cattled
Every sheep, calf, or swine, 2
am. Fees for Weighing. No gi'oiter let' sliall be charged for
weighing or measuring than as follows
Weighing a load of hay, 15 cents.
1 !
Weighing slaughtered meat, grain or other articles, under one hundred
poiuids, 2 cents. ()ver two hundi'ed pounds and under one thousand,
5 cents. Over one thousand pounds, 10 cents.
Live animals, other than sheep or pigs, per head 3 cents.
Sheep or pigs, if more than live, per head 1 cent. If less than five,
for the lot 4 cents.
Measuring a load of wood, 5 cents.
H'Hy Regulation of Traffic. 1. Subject to the foregoing provisions,
municipalities may regulate the retail sale of such articles in the public
streets or vacant lots.
2. The preccfling restrictions shall not apply to any municipality
which keeps in force a by-law providing that the vendors of articles,
subject to market f(!es, may offer them for sale without paying market fees
at any place in the municijiality except the market place.
Such by-law, however, may provide that market fees be collected,
upon such articles as ai'C liable, from those who voiunfjirilt/ use the
market place for selling the same, and also from those who remain or
whose vehicle remains upon that part of a street within one hundred yards
of the market ))lace, .so as to obtain the advantages of said market. This
last clause does not tipply to the sale of any articles to persons carrying on
busines.^ m a hona Jidc store or shop in the vicinity of the market.
.1. Fees cannot be charged on markets made in streets simply. This
• loes not apply to such parts of streets as abut upon a market scjuare.
4. Municipalities which have no establishsd market may regulate the
J I.
sale and places for sale of anj' articles within the corporation. Fees may
also be charged for weighing and measuring. Weighing machines may be
established and fees for weighing charged.