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.MUNICIPAL LAW.                 101

  sli  or            501. Statute Labor  'rowiisliii) councils may puss l)y-la\vs iillowiiif^
                  any person liable to statute labo! to conipi'oniisc I'or such labor at a rate not
                  exceeding §1 per day I'or ii period not e.\ce(Mlin^ Hvc^ years.
                     May also ])rovide, that u sum not e.Kccedin;;  ij?! per day shall  Iks paid
                  in conninitation oF statute labor.
                     Also, for increasin<T or reducinj;  tlu; innnber of days statute  labor
                  reipiired as per a.sses.smcnt, or may entirely abolish  it.
                     Also, I'or rest-rving a portion of the statute labor or commutation to
                  be applied to kcepinjj roads open in winter.
                     50'J. Wharves, Harbors, etc. (-ouncilsol' any municipality may pass
                  by-laws  for  makiii<;',  im])roviii<f and preservin^j; wharves, docks, etc.,  I'or
                  lejfulatin^ harbors, preventinif the lillinj; up or foulinjr of sewers, erecting
                  beacons, rentinj^ wharves, doc'ks, etc., rej^'ulatint^- \essels arrivini;' in harbor,
                  imposini^f harbor dues, employin;^ and paying- a harbormaster, removing
                  door steps, porches, etc., projecting over such hai'bor at the expense of the
                  owner, and for compelling the removal from any public wharf sliore, bay,
                  etc., any sunk(!n or wrecked  vtvssel  (.r otlwM' craft or obstruction by the
                  own(!rs or charterers                                             m
                     Also, for preventing persons from ol)sti'ueting any drain or water-
                     5015. Streams and Watercourses.  Councils of townships may pass
                  by-laws for preventing  tiie obstruction of streams and watercourses by
                  trees, or other  materials, and  i'or  removing  the same  at  e.xpense of
                     Wiiencver any stream or creek in a township has been cleared of all
                  logs bush, etc., to the town line between that and the adjoining township
                  into winch such stream flows, the Council may serv(! a notice, in writing, on
                  til',; head of the Council of the  sai<l adjoining towtmship, i'e(|Uesting such
                  Council to clear such stream through  tin ^r municipality: and  if such
                  Council neiflects to do so within  six months after receivinij such notice,
                  and if, by rcsason of such neglect, any public road or bridge in either of the
                  said townships  b(>couies out of repair, the township in default becomes
                  civilly responsible for aii  '.images tliat any piirson may sustain by reason
                  of such want of repair.  Cm action must be brought within three months
                  after the damages wei'e sustained.
                     504. Acquiring Water Rights.  Any  municipal  corporation may
                  acquire, by purchase, demise, or gift,  tlie right aiid  title to any stream,  %wi
                  watercoiH'so or lands in the nuniicipality, or within three miles thereof, and
                  make all the improvements necessai-y for the ])Ui' of obtaining ])o\ver
                  to operate machinery for supplying tjlectric light within the corporation.
                     They may  aei^uire  whatever  land  is  necessary  for  such water
                  privileges, borrow money and issue debentures for sam(\
                     The by-law to ratify any agreement thus entered into must be sub-
                  mitted to the electors and receive a majority of tlie ratepayers entitled to
                  vote on such by-law, according to the provisions of Sections :V-]H to 'Mio.
                     After the acquisition of such water privileges  tlie corporation may
                  use the same and grant leases of tlie whole or any part, but cannot sell any
                  part of the water privileges or of the land until so authorized by a by-law.
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