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inlmbitiintH, according' to tlif last municipal census; or may discontinue,
at tlu' end of any iiuiiiicipal y ear, a hiyh school already established,
i. A liiy;li school district, composed of more municipalities than one,
may l)c estahlisliod, by by-law of the County Council, in any incorporated
villatrc althou'd) coiitaiiiiiiu- Icss than one thousand inhabitants, jji'oviding
it is shown to t,hc satisraclioii of the Licutenant-liovernor in Council that
the adjoiiiiui;- municipalities 1 >ave ])assed by-laws for unitin<;- with such
villa<i;'(', HO as to constitute a h iyh school district eontaiiiinii; at least three
tiiousand iidiabitants aceordin o' to till' last ])(Mninion census.
mm In Cities The Council of a cit}- may estal) as many liij^h
schools in such city as it may deem expedient, subject to the approval of
the Lieutenant-Ciovernor in Council.
aitii. Trustees. I. Any ratepayer twenty-one years of a^e, residing
in the county or Mumicipality in which the hijjli school is situated, wIkj
is not a niemliei- of the Municipal Coiuicil of such nuniicipality or county,
is qualifieil to sfi've as trustee or a mendjer of a Board of Education. Every
High School Corporation shall consist of at least six trustees. m
2. Where a lii<;h school district is composed of a county, the County
Council shall appoint six trustees, two of whom shall retire each year.
3. In case of hii^li schools situated in any nmnicijiality within the
jurisdiction of the county, thi'ee of such trustees shall be ajjpointed by the
C'ounty Council, and the additional trustees b}' the municipalities as
follows: If th<' lii<^'h scjiool disti'ict is composed of om; nuniicipality, then
the Couiicil thei'eof shall a])point three additional trustees : if it is compo.sed
of two municipalities, then each one shall appoint two tru.stees ; and where
it is composed of more than two municipalities, each nmnicipality shall
appoint one trustee.
Any portion of a imniieii)ality a.s.sessed for S50,()00, included in a hi<ih
.school district, shall be considered a mniiici])ality for the purposes of this
in evciT case, one of the trustees appointed liy the County Council
and one trustee appointed in each municipality in a high school district
shall retire each yeai-.
4. In cities and towns se|)arate(l fnjm the county, the councils thereof
shall appoint si.\ trustees for each of the high .schools of such city or town.
For further information concerning School Boards and duties of trustees,
see Chap. 2m. H.S. (»., IS97.
5587- Site for High Schools. A high school shall not be
selected, in a township, w ithin (jue hundred yards of the garden, orchat'd,
pleasure ground or of the owner, without his consent.
In selecting land foi' a site for a high .school, or for the enlargement of
the school if the owner of the land and the trustees cannot agree
as to the price thereof, the matter shall be settled by arbitration.
miH. Grants to High Schools from Counties. The County
Council shall, on or before the l.")th ilay of December in each year, pay for
the maintenance of every high school in the county (except those estab-
lished in a town separated fi-rnn the countj-X without any abatement liecause