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                      108                MUNICIPAL LAW.
                      together with the lawful  profit, and the pawnbroker refuses to deliver
                      the goods, lij may be brought before a Justice of the Peace for examina-
                      tion and  if the tender of the money and note  is proved to have been
                      made within one year and the lender still refuses to accept the same, the
                      Justice may order the goods forthwith to be delivered uj) to the borrower,
                      and if the lender refuses or neglects to deliver the same or make satisfac-
                      tion for them, the Justice shall commit him to gaol until he delivers up
                      the goods according to the order or makes satisfaction for the value of
                         IS Where goods have been lost, damaged, embezzled, or sold btjfore the
                      time, the Justice may fix the amount of satisfaction to the owner.
                          19. No fee shall be taken by a justice for a summons relating to
                      goods pawned.
                         The penalties recovered belong to the municipality.
                         20. No pawnbroker  is liable to a prosecution before a Justice under
                      this Act information  is given within twelve months after ottence
                      was committed.
                          No person who has been convicted of fraud or felony shall prosecute
                      or inform against a person under this Act.
                         An appeal may be taken from the judgment of the Justice to the
                      (Jourt of General Sessions.
                         5'i4. When Goods may be Sold.  All pawned goods are deemed to
                      be forfeited and may be .sold at the expiration of one year, exclusive of
                      the day on which tliey were pawned.
                          When the sum lent exceeds S2 the goods nuist be  .sold by public
                      auction.  'J'he goods nuist, before such public sale, be exposed to public
                      view, and a catalogue publisheil giving a description of the goods separ-
                      ately, the uionth when received, and number of the pledge, and a notice
                      of the intended sale nuist l>e inserted twice in a public newspaper.
                         In case the goods are not described separately in the catalogue  it
                      incurs a penalty not less than  .'ii'H nor more than $40.
                          If tiiere  is any surplus over sum lent and cost of catalogut; and
                      advertisement, it must be paid over to the borrower.
                         The person  for whom  the goods were pawned may  inspect the
                      ' Account of Sales Book " for the entry of the sale, on the payment of five
                          In case the pawnbroker refuses inspection of the entry of the .sale,
                      or if the goods were sold for more than the sum entered for, or in the
                      entry was not made, or he diil not bond  tide sell the goods according to
                      legal reiiuirements. or refuses to pay over the surplus to the borrower on
                      demand, he  shall  forfeit $iO and treble the sum  for which  the goods
                      were pawned.
                         aim. Restrictions on Pawnbrokers.  I.  They must not  receive
                      goods from any person who appears to be undei' fifteen years of age, or
                      to be intoxicated  ;  or,
                          2. or take in pawn the note or memorandum of any other
                      pawnbroker  ;  or,
                          8. Employ any person under sixteen years of age to take any pledge  ; or.
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