Page 113 - index
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110                 MUNICIPAL LAW.
                     bowling alleys, conducted by persons for liire or yain, and for  fixinjj the
                     Slim to be paid  foi* said license  ; and also  for licensing bill-posters and
                     tixinfj the sum to be paid therefor.
                        •VtO.  Public Shows.  By  same  councils  and  coniniissioufrs  as
                     named in Section  ^'2fi, for licensing and regulating e.\hil)itions of wax-
                     works, menageries, circuses, roller skating  rinks and similar places of
                     anuiscinent, and tixing the sinus to be paid for such licenses, and imposing
                     tines for infringements of such by-laws, which, however, must not exceed
                     the amount of the license fee.
                         No such shall be granted, or licens  for any gambling; purpose
                     of any description, on the days of any  ilistr'  t or township  .-igricultural
                     socict}' fair, eitiier on the grounds of such society or within three hundred
                     yards of the same.  (See Section  ")."J2.)
                        ."»I5I. Hawkers.  By  the  councils and conniiissioners, as stated  in
                     Section 52>S, for licensing and governing hawkers, pedlars and otluT persons
                     who go from place to place selling gooils or n\erchandiseof any description,
                     and for fixing the sums to be paiil for such license, which must not exceed
                     S-')0 for a two-hor.s(i vehicle, §30  for a  on(!-lior,se  vehicle, SI 5 for a push
                     cart, and !?1 for one carrying a basket.
                        iilVi- Gambling at Fairs.  .Vny jjerson who carries on, or aids  in
                     carrying on, any kind of gandjjing or any game of chance, at any agricul-
                     tural, horticultural, live stock or industrial exhibition or  fair, or within
                     one half mile thereof, shall be liable, u{)on sunnnary conviction, to a iine of
                     not less than S2(), nor more than .S20(), and costs.
                         5IW.  Payment  of Taxes  by  Instalments.  Tn  cities,  towns,
                     townships and viUages, the Council may, by  liy-lii'->"  :..;..ire the payment
                     of taxes, local improvement assessments and  sev,  :  .'-., to be paid into
                     the oHice of the trea.sin-er or collector, at a date  '  J therein, either in
                     bulk or by instalments, and may allow a discount  :'  ;•  /Uient on or before
                     sucli  da_y.
                        The Council may also, by by-law, impose additional percentage, not
                     to exceed five per cent., on every such tax not paid on the day so appointed.
                     This applies to non-residents.
                         In towns, villages and townships, where there has been no day  a|)-
                     pointed for payment, the Council may, by by-law. impose such percentage
                     on those which have not been [)aid on or l)efore the 14th day of December
                     in each year.  In such there must be fourteen  day.s' previous notice
                        The Council of townships, cities, towns and villages may pass by-laws
                     di.squalifying any elector from voting at municipal elections who has not,
                     on or before the 14th day of December preceding the  election, paid  all
                     municipal taxes due against him.
                         534.  High Schools.  1. On or before the 1st daj' of July in any
                     year, the County Council n)ay, subject to the approval of the Lieutenant-
                     Governor in Council, pass a by-law for the establishment of a new high
                     school  in any municipality containing not fewer than  one  thousand
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