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                                                                                        1*  >

                                        MrMCIl'AI. LAW                  lu;)          •jiiit
  asH of           coiiti'aet, iiiUHt  lie  l)i(m;r|it  witliiii six  ealeiiilar  iimiitliM  at'tei'  tlw; act was
   lease           c<)iiiiiiitte(l, or till' discovery of the iiijiiiy or (iania;,'e, \>y tlie injureil party;
  ills.            or, ill eas  ' there is a continuation ol' ilaiiia^^e, then within one year Troiii the
                    first coniiiiittal oi' the act or its  iiscovery.
                       tit'i. Trees on Streets.  I.  CJouncils ol' townshijis, cities, towns an<l
                    viila;fes may  eiieuui'ajfe  tin'  planting  of  trees ami  shriilis suitable  for
                   afi'onlin;^' shaile on any  i .i^liway  l)y ahutenient of .statute  lahor, nv Wy
                    payine- out of the  ^^'eneral fund  .1 sum not  less than  2.'3c  for every tree
                    planteil, accordiii;^' to the requiieiii' iits of the l)ylaw.
                       2. Councils of  all niuni(.ipalities may the removal of any trees,
                   shrubs, etc.,  i^rowiii;;- on any street or  pui)lic  jilace under  its control,  if  • }'
                   it is deenie(l iiecc^ssary  ; but the owner of the ailjoiniii^' property is entitled  .^il
                   to ttni days notice of such intention of the C'^Micil, and also to compen.sation
                    for his troul)le in planting' and protecting,' the .'^aiiif.
                       But such owner of adjoining' jjroperty, or a jiathmaster, or other public
                   otKcer, siiall not remove such tree or shruli without the express pernii.ssion
                   of the Council.  The councils may also make  re<;ulations for ])lantin^ and
                   preserving; ornamental troes upon any street, ])ul)Iic place or S(|uare, also
                   the distance from boundary lines of private pro])erty, where such trees may
                   be planted without the consent of the owner or occupant.
                       .'{. ("ouncils of cities and towns of 40,000 or over may autiiorize the
                    l^irk Commis.sioner or other officer api)ointed for the purpose, to plai'* such
                   ornamental trees, and also to trim all other trees, the branches of which
                   extend over the streets.  The municipality shall not Ik! liable; for injury to
                   trees occasioned thereby, if rea.sonable care, skill and jud<fment luive been
                   exerci.sed in trimmin^f.
                       4. Cities of over  100,000 inhabitants may authorize  tht; Park Com-
                   mi.ssioner, or other ofKcial appointed by the Council, to cut down and
                   remove  all decayed  trees, remove and transplant any trees, shrubs, etc.,
                   ^frowinj;' in any public place or street under its control after ffivinff forty-
                   (ii^ht hours' notice of  its intention to do so, without bein<r liable to any
                   owner of adjoining); property, provided  tha^ no  live  tree, uidess within
                   twenty feet of other tn^es, shall be removed without the consent of the
                   owner of the property in front of which sucli tree is situate.
                       5IIJ. Land for Parks.  The Councils of all municipalities may pass
                   l)y-la\vs for ac(|uirinjr land U/V public ])arks, sipiares, drives,  etc., in the
                   municipality or ndjoinin<i- local municipality, without the con.sent of the
                   owners of .such  i\'ti\ propca'ty, and if the amount of compensation camiot be
                   ajfreed upon, it shall be determined by arbitration.
                       Where land thus (expropriated  is in an adjoining municipality, such
                   parks must ])e kept in an etHcient state of repair, open to the (General public
                   and provided with sufficient police protection.
                       514. La id for Cemeteries.  Councils  of  townships,  cities, towns
                   and villages may l)y-laws for ac(juiring land for cemeteries, laying out,
                   improving and managing the same.  The by-law must declare, in express
                   terms, that the lands so appropriated are for a public c(>metery and for no
                   other jiurpose, and such land, although without the municipality, shall
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