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104                 MUNICIPAL LAW.
                      become a  [)ai-t thereof, and cease to he a part of the rnuiiicipalitj' to whicli
                              beloiij^fcil.  Sucli by-law shall not be repealed.
                      it formal l;y
                          1. A cemetery may  l)e within the territorial limits of a villaj^e, pro-
                      viding' the by law nsceivt's the approval of the Local Hoard of Health, and
                      is ratified by the Provincial Board of Health.
                         2.  Exi.sting' cemeteries or buryinj; <,rroun(ls in a  villa<fe or town may
                      ac(]uiie or exjuopriate lands for eidarjfement  if the Provincial hoard of
                      Health consent.  But no lands can be so e.xpi'opriatcd in a city.
                           f n case the  i ouncil and the owner of tiie laiuls expropriated cannot
                      aj^rce as to price, the matter shall hi? (h^termined by arbitration.
                         The arbitrators shall decide whether  it  is in the public interest that
                      tlie lands, or any part of them, should be isxpropi-iated for said purpose,
                      and if  .so, to fix the  pric(! to be paid the owner.  The costs shall be in the
                      di.scretion of the arbitrators.
                         If the arbitrators award the lands to be taken for such purpose, one
                      copy of the award shall be deposited with the Registrar of the county or
                      city, as tlu; case may hv., which shall  l)fc a valid title to the lands.
                         4 The award shall be in writing, and fully describe the boundaries of
                      Hie lands taken.
                         5. Lands used as an  oi'chard, garden or pleasure ground, and land
                      within two hundred yards of a dwelling-house shall not be expropriated
         h".          without the consent of the owner.                              /
                         515. Public Fairs  Councils of counties, cities and separated towns  /
                      may, upon  petition of  fifty qualified electors, pass by-laws authorizing
                      the holding of public fairs at oiu; or more of the most convenient  i)laci's
                      not separated from the municipality for municipal purposes, for the .sale,
                      barter,  anil  exchange  of  cattle,  horses,  sheep,  pigs, and  agricultural
                      [)roducts.  Public  notice of the by-laws establishing such  fair must be
                      given immediately by the Council.
                         5I<». Markets.  No municipality shall or collect a market fee
                      upon any wheat, barley, rye, corn, oats t)r otlu'r giaiii, hay or other seed,
                      or wool, lumber, lath, shingles, cordwood, firewood, dres.sed hogs, cheese,
                      hay, straw or other fodder that may be brought to the market place for
                      sale or otlier disposal, or upon the person bringing  it, or .the vehicle in
                      which it is brought.
                         511. When Market Fees are Chargeable.  No market fees .shall
                      be charged upon butter, eggs or poultry brotaght to the market place  foi'
                      .sale, unless a convenient and fit place  is provided by the nuuiicij)ality in
                      which to expose the same for sale, and which shall afford shelter in sunnuer
                      and rea.sonable protection from the cold in winter.
                          1. Where tlie vendor of any article brought within the nuuiicipality,
                      in pursuance of a prior contract for the sale  tliereof, proceetls directly to
                      the place of delivery without hawking  tlie same upon the streets, no
                      market fees shall be collected.
                          2. Also, there shall bo no market fee imposed or collected  u])on any
                      article brought into tlie municipality after the hour of ten o'clock  in the
                      forenoon, unless it is brought upon the market place.

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