Page 112 - index
P. 112
4. Receive any floods as pawn on Thanksgiving^ Day or Sunday, or on
any other day before <H o'clock am., or after eiglit in the evening, except
Saturdays and the evening before Good Friday and Christmas, when the
pawn shop may keep open until ten o'clock p.m.
H'tii Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths. Notice must
be given to the Division Registrar as follows:
1. For liirths, notice is to be given by the parents, or some one repre-
senting them, within thirty days.
The medical practitioner attending the birth is also re(|uired forthwith
to give such notice.
If not registered in the proper time, the Registrar may register at any
time within one year; but after lapse of one year, then only by tlie written
consent of the Registrar- General.
If the birtli is I'egistered without giving a name to the child, or if it is
desired to change the name, it can be done any time within ten years, by
furnishing to the Registrar a certificate signed by the clergyman who
baptized it; or, if not baptized, then by the parents or guardians of the
For marriages, eveiy clergyman
2. shall report every marriage he ^;r
celebi'ates to th(! Division Registrar within tliirty days. The Registrar
General may permit the registration of an unregistered marriage any time
within ten years.
•S. Some person in the house, or present at the death of a person, is
re(juired to supply the Divisioii Registrar with all the particulars required
to be registei'ed before the interment of the body.
The meilical practitioner last in attendance shall forthwith on receiv-
inff notice of the death, .send to the Medical Health Oificer a certificate of
the cause of death. Interment must not take place until a certificate of
rt'gistration has been ol tained,
ii'il. Penalties. Any person wlio, in any of these requirements, know-
ingly makes a .statement shall, upon conviction before a stipendiary
magistrate or a Justice of the Pefiee, forfeit a sum not exceeding S.jO.
For neglect to give the required notices incurs a penalty (jf not
exceeding SIO foi- each ease. Action must be commenced within two
years. One half of the tine goes to the informer and remainder to the
5*JH. Auctioneers- Councils of counties, separated towns, and
cities of less than 100 000 inliabitants, and Boards of Commisioners of Police
in cities of 100,000 or over, may provide for licensing and regulating
auctioneers and othei- ])er.sons, for the .sale of goods by public auction, and
for fixing the sum to be paid for such license, and also for prohibiting the
granting of such license to a person who is not of good character, or whose
premises are not suitable, or whei-e it is not desirable to have such business
carried on.
A bailitr, in k. Iling goods ilistrained for rent, does not need a license.
ii'ii}. Billiard Tables. And by same councils and commissioners
a-j above, for licensing and regulating billiard and bagatelle tables and