Page 105 - index
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                       wliicli 1ms hfcii  subiiiittt'tl to and passed by a vote of the haini: clasH of
                       i'att'|)ay('rs as voted upon tlie aci|iiisitioii of said water privilcLjes.  No lease
                       shall he  i'oi' a loiiycr |)eriod than thirty yeai's, with tiie ri^ht of renewals.
                          ."lOii. Water Works.  Any nmuieipality niay, hy hy-hiw, eonstiuct,
                       improve, maintain, and manajjo water works and  all neees,sary buililin^rs,
                       machinery,  ete.,  Ijelonjiiny  tlieieto,  in  or  in  the  iiei^hljorhooil  of the
                          ."iOIJ. Gas and Water Pipes.  CouneiKs may pass Vjy-hiwsiuithori/.iiii;'
                                            lay down
                       • fas or water companieH to  jjipes or eonduits suhjeet  to such
                       re<fiilations as the Council sees  tit.
                          ."iOl. Municipal Gas and Water Works.  CNamcils of  cities and
                       towns may pass In-iaws fnr the construction  of  j;as and water works,
                       lexyiui;' tlu' necessary annual I'ate, and form an eipial amiual sinking;- fund,
                       for payment of princi]ial and  interest, coveriii"; not more than thirty nor
                       less than five years.
                          SOH. Street Railways.  Councils of cities and towns may provide for
                       huildiny and operating;' street railways subject to the ti-rms the Lieutonant-
                       (jiovernor m ly a])prove: and for leasinj,; the same and for levyinjf a special
                      annual rate to pay the interest, and to provide an e(pial yeai'iy sinking' fund,
                       for payment of the ])rinci|)al within thirty year.s.  They may ext(!nd sucii
                       railway into an  adjoining,' municipality by consent of such nnmicipality,
                       and subject to the same liabilities and conditions as other street railways
                       under tlu; .Street Railway Act.
                          .iO!> Vestibules for Motormen.  Cotnicils  of cities may pass by-
                       laws  compellin;j;  electric  street railways operatinj^ within  its limits to
                       provide proper enclosed vestil)ules upon its street cars, to protect motoi'inen
                       and othei- per.sons in charge of cars from November 1st to March Slat.
                          510. Street Railway By-Laws.  No by-law for the construction of
                       ffas and water works and electric street car lines shall be passed  until the
                       estimated expenditure has been published for one month, and the time of
                       holdinif the ])oll tor two months, tofjfcther with a complete copy of the l)y-
                       law, and the time for considerinfjf the same in Council for one month, in some
                       new.s])aper published in the county.  The by-law nuist receive a majority
                       of the electors voting at the poll, and be pas.sed by the Council witiiin three
                       months after the poll.  If rejected at the poll no other by-law for the .same
                       pur|)0sc must be submitted durinj;- the current year.
                          i»l I. Telephone Service.  The  Councils  of  cities and towns iiave
                       power to construct, own ami operate a telephone business and service, pur-
                      chase or lease lanii, buildiuffs, machinery and all apparatus necessary to
                      conduct such business within the nnmicipality, or within two miles thereof,
                      and supply subscribers within the municipality or in the neighborhood
                      thereof, tixinif and collecting rates for same in such manner as the by-law
                      directs.  The sinking fund must provide for the payment of the principal
                      within thirty years.
                          Actions for claims by way of arbitration, whether  for injury or in
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