Page 103 - index
P. 103
Also provide H<,'JiiriHt poisons throwing any dirt, filth, rubbiwli or
eurcases of animals upon a street, lane or highway.
No stone or other material shall he put upon roads for repair durinj,'
tho winter months, so as to interfere with sleighing.
41>."». Removal of Snow By eouncils of towns, villages and eities
under one hun(h'ed thousand inhabitants for compelling owners or occu-
pants of premises to remove sncnv.iee and dirt from the roofs and from (h<;
sidewalks, streets and alleys adjoining the pren)ises; also to provide; for
eleaning sidewalks or sti'eets adjoining vacant property, or tiie property nf
persons who, for twenty-four hours, ui^glect to remove the same, and to
clear it away at the expense of s<ieli owners or occupants; and, in defaidt
of payment, to charge such e.\])ense as a special assessment against the
The by-law may define certain areas only where it shall be operative.
Councils of cities of one tumdred thou.sand, or over, may Hx the tim(!
for removal of sncnv, ice or dirt at Avv hoars after 8 o'clock a.m., when tin-
storm cea.sed at any time bafore « a.m.
4iHi. Cab Stands. Councils of cities, towns and villages may providi;
foi' stands for vehicles kept for hire on tlu; public streets, and may eiect
and maintain covered booths for tlu' protection of tlu; drivers. No such
booth must be placed on the sidewalk in front of [)roperty without first
having the con.sent of the owner or lessee of .such property.
4!>7. Traffic on Streets. Cities, towns and villages may liav<!
by-laws regulating tratlic on the public streets, the width of tires and
wheels of vehicles used to carry heavy burdens, and may prohibit
heav}' traffic and the driving of cattle, sheep, pigs and other animals on
certain streets.
41>8. Width of Sleigh Runners. County councils may provide thai
no sleigh or other vehicle on runnirs, except oitters and ])leasur(^ sleighs, shall
be used upon the jiublic highways of th.e coimty the runners are at
least three feet nine inches apart at the Ijottom. This cannot apply to
non-residents, and the Council may also exempt sleighs ali'eady made
Such by-laws cannot come into force sooner than one year from the time
of its passing.
41M>. Driving on Roads and Bridges is also undir the control of
the various councils, win) may jjrohibit racing or imiii(i<l(irate driving on
highways and over public bridges. Cities of one hundred thousand or over
may .s(!t apart certain streets on which they will permit of fast driving, but
if a, majority of the property owners on such strecits pi'tition against such
by-law it shall be i-epealed.
500. Vehicles on Sidewalks. Tho Council of every uuinicipality
may prohibit carriages, bicycles, skughs and every form of convc^yance
from being u.sed upon any sidewalk, footpath, boulevard, ]ia.rk or other
place used by pedestrians or set apart for ornament or public recreation
also for driving any horses or cattle or other animals on or in such places.