Page 102 - index
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or for providing an outlet for (iny aower, or of establishing works or basins
for the interception or p>n'ific.ititin Tor sewage, and for making all necessary Mi-
I .
connections therewith: l)nt subject to the payment of compensation to
persons Kutt'ering injury theri'from, and to any restrictions and liabilities
iinpose<l by the Municipal Act.
481>. Cellar Levels. The councils of cities, towns and villages may
compel (nvners, tenants and occupants to furnish the Council with the level
of cellars already constructed or which may hereafter be made along the
.streets, and re(piiring them to comply with the level fixed by the by-iaw.s.
A ground plan of all buildings to be erected nuist first be deposited
with the proper officer, showing the levels of the cellars and basements.
400. Surface Waters. The Council, in order to prevent the city,
town or village from l)eing tloode<l b}- the surface water flowing from an
adjoining municipality, may purchase such land as would be i-eipiired and
provide an outlet for the water through an}' other municipality. The
coii.sent of the municijiality in which such lands are situate, nuist be < tMrnt
obtained before powers are ex(!rcised.
4tM. Extension of Sewers If in (jrder to procure an outlet for a
.sewer of a municipality it becomes necessai-y to extend it through a
cor.iiguous miuiicipality, it shall have power to so extend it, and to connect
the same to any existing sewer of such numicipality u\)on such terms and
conditions as may be respecti\ely agreed upon; or in ca,s(.' of disagreement
then upon such terms as may bt; determined by arbitration.
If such contiguous numicipality objects to allow such sewer connection
or to have such sewer extended thn)Ugh its territory, then the arbitrators
nmst detiM'mine also whethei', under the circumstances, such sewer extension
or connection be allowed to be made. Nothing in this section shall
authorize the construction of an open drain or sewer or anything done
itliin that wouKl art'ect the provisions of the Ditches and \ Act.
49'i- Wet Lands- 'I'he councils of townships may purchas(> wet
lands at the disposal of the Crown, and it is lawful for the corporation to
raisi! the money by loan or otherwise for and drainage of the
4tK8. Obstructing Streets. The Councils of cities, towns and vil-
lages may pass by-laws preventing the obstruction or folding of streets,
lanes, alleys and S(|uares by animals, vehicles, or other mean.s.
They n>ay caus(> the removal of door-steps, porches, railings, or otlier
projections extending into any .street or pul)lic way, at the expense of the
4JM. Obstructing Highways. Councils of townships, cities, towns
and villages may provide for the removal of any fence, timber, stone, fire-
wood, or other obstructions, placed upon th(! highway ; and if the per,son
so ott'ending defaults for five days after notice to remove the obstruction,
lie is liable for the expense of its removal. This clause docs not apply to
material used for road or bridge purposes.
A worm fence, which is not more than one-half its width upon a road
allowance, is not deemed to bo an obstruction.