Page 101 - index
P. 101

                           H.  Ijy cuiincils ul' cities ol' oiio liundrod tliousaiul  iiilialtitaiits ur muif
                       fiutlioiizin^f the seizure of unslauj^htered animals, which liave  diucl on any
                       I'ailwuy I'ai'or at iiiiifket, iiiordcr to prevent tliein I'roni heino' uwed as food:
                       and  for ilisposin<r  in otlier ways of  sucli eareascs, and  securiiij,^ to  tlie
                       owners such \ahie as remains o\cr and aho\f  tlie expense incurred in
                       <lis])osin^ of sticii carcases.
                           4.  iSy tlie Councils of townships, cities, towns and villaf^es lor prevent-
                       iuji; the use of (h'leterious materials  in  makinj;'  l)reaii, and  for the seizure
                       and forfeiture of bread made contrary to the iiydaw,
                           ."). For estal)lishin<;', protectinjf and cleansin<;' public and private wells,
                       reservoirs and otlier public and  private.^ water supply  : for  closinj;' jiublie
                       and private wells,  I'oi' preventing- the foulini;' or wasting;- of such water,  foi'
                       procurin;^' au analysis of such water, and  for making reasoiuible chai'j^es
                       for the of public water.
                           (i. For compellinjn' the use of water supplied by  the municipality for
                       drinkin<;- and domestic purposes within certain areas, and  i)roliibitini;' thi'
                       use of sjM'inj;' or well water within such areas for such ])ur[)oses.
                           4S1. Sanitary Measures.  Councils of townshijis, cities, towns ai"l
                       villaj^es may pass by-laws:
                           1. For re<.;ulatin<4' the construction of cellars, sinks, cesspools, water-
                       closets, earth-closets, and ])i'ivies, and for re<;'ulatin<^ the manner of draiu-
                       inj;', cleanint;' ami disposing' of the contents of the same.
                           2. For the tilling' uj), diainin<(, cleaning or repairing of any groimds,
                       vacant lots and [)rivate drains.
                          3. For making any other j'egulations for sewerage or drainage deemed
                       necessary for sanitary purposes.
                          4. For compelling owners,  lessees and occupants of  real property,
                       within an}' defined area, to  till  vip any cesspools, water-closets  oi-  jirivies
                       deemed to be dangerous to health.
                          5. For regulating the construction and use of dry earth chwets within
                       speeified limits.
                          (). Councils of cities or towns may provide  an<i maintain  lavatories,
                       ui'inals, water closets, etc., either upon the jmblic streets or elsewhere, and
                       provide the same with water.
                          7. The  councils of cities an<l towns may  regulate  the; erection or
                       occupation of dwellings on narrow streets and lanes, in crow<led or unsani-
                       tarj' districts.
                          8. Councils of townships, cities, towns ami villages, in order to prevent
                       the spread of contagious or infectious diseases, may provide for .supplying
                       i)lanks for the notification and recording of such diseases, ami giving public
                       notice of houses wh(>re such  exist, and  foi- taking such measures as the
                       Public Health Act recjuires.
                          0. By councils of cities, towns and villages, regulating the interment of
                       the dead, and preventing interments within the nninicipality.     an
                          488. Sewers and Drains-  Councils may pass by-laws for opening,
                       making, repairing or stopping up drains, sewers or waterc(jurses within
                       the juiisdiction of the Council, and for entering upon and using any land
                       ill or adjacent to the municipality necessary or convenient for said purpose,
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