Page 99 - index
P. 99
4T4. Barbed Wire Fences. Same councils as above may provide for
proper jirotection against injury to persons or animals by fenc . con-
structed wliolly or in part of barbed wire or any other material ; <ind in
towns and cities for wholly jjrohibiting them along streets and pulilie
4T.'». Snow Fences. Councils may require owners or occupiers of
lands bordering u[)Ou any public highway to make, alter or remove any
fence, subject to tlie provisions of the Act Respecting Snow Fences.
47ii- Water Gates. Councils may compel owners of lands through
whicii any open drain or watercourse passes to erect and keep up water
•rates whijre fences cross such drain or watercourse.
411. Boundaries of Marsh Lands. Township councils may, by
by-law, declare that in case of any lands wliere the boundary line or any
part of it passes through a marsli or land covered with water, such part
shall be deemed to be wholly enclcsed within the meaning of the Act
Respecting Petty Ti-espasses, if jjosts are set up and maintained along such
part of such line at distances whicli permit of each being clearly visible
from the adjoining post.
47H. County Council and Fences. The councils of counties, in
respect to fences along highways which it is their duty to maintain, have
the same powers as of townships, cities, towns and villages mentioned
in Section 472. Also similar powers as councils previously mentioned in
respect to snow fences, and to assist and compensate, eithei' by payment of
money or, owners or occupiers of land bordering upon highways
within the county, for taking 'vn, altering or removing fences likely to
caust! drilts tliat would impede tiavel, and to construct some other fence
which the Council may prescribe.
4'2!>. Providing Pounds. The Councils of townships, cities, towns
and villages may })rovide yards and enclosures for tlie safc^ kee])ing of
impounded animals may pi'ovide for re.straining and regulating the run-
ning at large of animals, and for selling such as are impounded, in cast;
they are not claimed within a reasonable time, damages, tines and
paid ; for appraisiug the damages and determining the compensation to be
allowed for services renden-d in carrying out the pi-ovisions of Acts
respecting animals impounded.
4H0. Protecting Graves. Councils of townships, cities, towns and
villages may, by by-law, |)rovide for preventing the violation of cemeteries.
481. Weeds. Also for preventing the growth and compellin;^- the
destruction of Canada thistles iind weeds detrimental to husbandry.
48*J. Shade Trees. For preventing injuiy to trees or shrubs planted
or presei-v(!d for shade or ornament.
4H;{. Signs and Posters. To prevent the defacing of printed or
other notices, or pulling down or defacing of sign-boards or other notices
lawfully affi.xed.