Page 98 - index
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are 1^. Regulatin*;- the times wlion stumps, wood, brush, straw, sliavinjjs
or refuse may be burned in the open ai?', and |)rescribin(r the necessary
precautions at such times.
l!i. To regulate the keeping and trans[)orting ol' gunpow<h'r ami other
combustibles or explosive materials, and for providing and regulating
magazines for storing gunpowder for private indiviiluals for a fee, and
compelling persons to stoi-e therein.
4tt'}- Portable Steam Engines. The councils of townships may
pass by-laws fixing the dist'.uice fi'om any public highway within which
any luienclosed portable steam engine may not be used for running a saw-
mill Ol- shingle-mill, and for imposing ])enalties for a violation of such
4<»8. Fire Protection in Portion of Town. L'pon petition of a
majority of the ratepayers entitleil to \ote on money by-laws in any
dctined area of a town or village, re])resenting in valiU' more than one-half
of the as.sessed real property in such area, the Council of every town and
village may, without the vote of the electors, pass Ij^'-laws for th(-'
of a fire-engine and otlier ajjjiliances, and the supply of water therefor for
the pui'poscs of tire pi-otection : also defining what real propci'ty within
such area will be benelited tiy such lire protection, and is to be charged
with the cost of the same, and making provision foi- levying in such pro-
perty the cost of managing and maintenance
4<M>. Issuing Debentures. The Council may levy in any one year,
upon the property to be lienefited, the whole cost of such fire engine,
appliances and for wati-r sup))ly, or may issue debentures payable in
anniuil instalments during a p(!riod not exceeding ten years, with interest.
The assent nf electors is not re(|uir('il,
410. Joint Ownership. The councils of two or more adjoining
nuuiicipalities, whethei- in thr same county or not, nuiy purchiise jointly a
fire engine and other appliances for tire protection, or road-making machin-
ery, and agree as to the respective share of the cost to Ije borne by (sach,
ami the places where such arc to be kept. J.
411. Vacant Lots. Councils of cities, towns and vulages may jiass
by-laws causing vacant lots to be enclosed.
4l!4 Fences. Councils of townships, cities, towns and villages may,
by by-law, deternune the height and de.scri])tion of lawful fences: also the
lieight, description and manner of maintaining fences along highway.s, and
for compen.sation for the increased expense (if any) to ]>er.sons required to
keep up such last-mentioned fences.
4^!8. Line Fences. Councils of townships, cities, towns and villages
may determine the height and description of division fences, how the cost
shall be apportioned, and how amount .so apportioned may be recovered.
Where such by laws are not made, the Line Fences Act and the
Ditches and Watei'courses Act shall a[)ply to the nuuiicipalities. See
Section (!(i8, tins book.