Page 64 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 64

      Pratt, Alvin, saw mills.           Wagner,  Dr.  William.
      Prouty, Fayette,  bakery.          Whitcomb, E. J.  storekeeper.
      Purkis, Rev. Isaac, Church  of  Scotland.  Williams, Rev.  , Wesleyan  Methodist.
      Quin, -Rev.  , Free  Church.       Wood, James R., foundry, about 4 miles back  from
      Rolfe, Rev. Robert,  Church  of  England.  the village.
      Sills, Rev.  , Episcopal  Methodist.
                          DRUMMONDVILLE,       C.  E.,
      A  VILLAGE  in  the  Township  of  Grantham,  County  of  Drummond, C. E.,  on the River St. Francis,
      distant  from  Three  Rivers,  50  miles—usual  stage  fare  to  Port  St. Francis,  12s.  6d.—distant  from
      Quebec, 90 miles.  The District Court  for the County is held here.
      Boiavert, J.,  tavernkeeper.       M'Leod, Norman, lumber  merchant.
      Chartrain,  0., tavernkeeper.      Miller, James, postmaster.
      Cox, Col., registrar  of county.   Picotin, T., shoemaker.
      Dorion, Rev.  , Roman  Catholic.   Ross, Rev. G.  M., Church  of  England.
     Masler,  G. L., J. P., dealer  in  dry  goods,  groce-  Sadler, Thomas, bailiff  of superior  court
       ries, <fec.                       Scott, J.,  shoemaker.
     Miller, G.  W., dealer in diy goods, groceries, <&c.  Tuomy, Edward, bailiff  of superior  court.
     Miller, R., deputy  registrar.      Watts. R, K,  M. P. P.
                          DRUMMONDVILLE,       C.  W.,
     A  VILLAGE  situated in the Township  of Stamford,  County of Welland, C. W.—distant  from  Hamilton,
     48 miles—from  Toronto, by land,  107 miles, by water, 50 miles.  Population about 550.
     BROWN, (EDWARD,)  & SERPELL, (J.,) bakers.
     CHADWICK,  BENJAMIN,  grocer  and  provision  merchant.
     FALCONBRIDGE,  SAMUEL, postmaster.
     GOODWIN,  "WILLIAM, Commercial hotel.
     LOWELL, WILLIAM,  general  merchant, J. P.
     MATHIESON,  GEORGE, dry  goods and general merchant, and  agent  for  London Insurance
     MORSE, AUSTIN, cabinetmaker  and  upholsterer.
     SHEARS, GEORGE,  Clifton  hotel, Niagara Falls.
     WOODRUFF, JOSEPH  C,  general  merchant.
     Bender, George & John, tanners.    Lynch, Rev.  Mr., Roman  Catholic.
     Bigger, Charles,  cooper.          Mackenzie,  Donald,  carpenter.
     Blackwell, John H., M. D.          Martin, John,  tailor.
     Brown, H.,  carpenter.             M< Gillie, Lanty, Railway hotel.
     Chadwick, James,  shoemaker.       Misner, John,  cabinetmaker.
     Clark, John, tailor.               Morse, Austin,  cabinetmaker.
     Cole, Jesse, shoemaker.            Newburn,  Francis  C ,  M.D.
     Creighton, John,  innkeeper.       Pew  and Ross, coachmakers.
     Culp, Isaac H.,  blacksmith.       Rose, William,  innkeeper.
     Dalton, George, carpenter.         Russell, William, brewer.
     Duffey,  George, Canada house inn.  Ryerson,  Rev. E. M.,  Wesleyan.
     Ellis, Thomas,  innkeeper.         Rysdale,  George, butcher.
     Evans, John, Exchange  hotel.      Scott, Thomas, National hotel.
     Fields, William,  waggonmaker.     Serpell & Brown, bakers.
     Gray, Archibald,  blacksmith.      Simpson, George, auctioneer and land agent.
     Henly, R.  H., chemist and  druggist.  Skinner, Frederick,  saddler.
     Inglis, Rev. C. L., Church of England.  Wait & Orr, Misses, milliners.
     Latshaw, John,  carpenter.         Weaver, John,  saddler.
     Leeming, Rev. W.,  Church  of England.  Wilkinson, Rev. W.,  Baptist.
                        DUFFIN'S   CREEK,   or  Canton,
     A  VILLAGE  situated in the Township of  Pickering, County of York, C. W.—distant  from  Toronto, 22
     miles—usual stage fare,  3s. 9d.  Population  about 250.

     PAYNE,  C,  Payne's  hotel—good  accommodation for  travellers and  careful  hostlers—also
        licensed  auctioneer—sales  attended  to, at a day's notice.
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