Page 68 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 68
DURHAM, (Ormetoum.-) 77
GASH, MATTHEW, butcher and victualler.
HEARSET, JOHN, carriage, sleigh, and waggonmaker.
HODDER, GEORGE, butcher and victualler.
HYATT, HEZEKIAH, builder and contractor.
JIMS, JAMES, merchant tailor and clothier.
MAY, RICHARD, grocer and provision merchant.
MCINDOE, JAMES, general merchant.
MCMILLAN, ANGUS, boilermaker and engineer.
MCMULLIN, WILLIAM, solicitor and attorney at law.
NACHE, HENRY W., notary public.
PENNEY, HENRY, boot and shoemaker.
SCHOLFIELD, WILLIAM, baker and confectioner.
SCHOLFIELD, JAMES, joiner, cabinetmaker and undertaker.
STEVENSON, JOHN, merchant tailor and clothier.
STRODER, HENRY, hairdresser and perfumer.
WHEELER, SAMUEL, watch and clockmaker, jeweller, &c
Adams, James, blacksmith. Main, James, waggonmaker.
Allen, Dr. Alexander. Meadshaw, Rev. , Methodist.
Asher, Hugh, boot and shoemaker. Miller, Miss, dressmaker.
Bird, William, mason. Minor & Chisholm, lumber merchants.
Brackellank & Co., merchants. Moblo, Julius, blacksmith.
Brown, .T. R., agent for National Loan Fund Life Montague, George, distiller.
Assurance Company of London. Montague, Joseph, blacksmith.
Brown, J. R., merchant. McKee, Mrs., Canal house.
Brownson & Whetherby, foundry. McQuaby, John, waggonmaker.
Brownson, A., tinsmith, &c. Oldfield, John, lumber merchant.
Cameron, William, Western hotel. Price, Mrs., Farmer's home inn.
Carlisle, Thomas, saddler. Quider, Wm., lumber merchant.
Clark, Joseph, lumber merchant. Robb, Alexander, boot and shoemaker.
Corsin, Mrs., dressmaker. Robb, Hugh, joiner, &c.
Darling, Samuel, grist and plaster mills. Russell, R. J., merchant.
Davis, H., miller and lumber merchant. Scott, William, cabinetmaker and turner.
Diffin, William, cooper. Sheehan, W. B., collector of customs.
Edgar, John, & Co., builders. Sheehan, George, carpenter.
Fleming, Thomas, saddler. Sime, James, blacksmith.
Hammond, John, mason. Sime, George, tanner and currier.
Jarron, John M., M. D. Slater, William A., auctioneer.
Johnson, Cornelius, lumber merchant. Smith, R. J., tailor.
Kellog, G., merchant. Stockwell, Miss, dressmaker.
Kent, James, & Co., general merchants. Stodard, Sidney, painter.
Kerns, James, builder. Swarts, William, carpenter.
Kirk, John, painter. Townley, Rev. Adam, Church of England.
Lawson, William, carpenter. Vaugh, William, general merchant.
Lawson, James, boot and shoemaker. Vogt, Henry, watchmaker.
Leaver, William, tailor. Wetherby, Levi, cloth manufacturer.
Logan, James, British hotel. Wiggins, T. J., American hotel.
Lovine, Paschal, Canada house. Wilson, Dr. , physician and surgeon.
DURHAM, {Ormstown),
A VILLAGE situated in the County of Beauharnois, C. E.—distant from Montreal, 45 miles—usual
stage fare, in winter, 10s.—steamboat and stage fare, in summer, 7s. 6d. Population about 200.
LIGHTHALL, WILLIAM JAMES, notary public, office at the registrar's office—business in all
parts of the county of Beauharnois attended to on moderate terms.
Cross, William, postmaster, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c.
Fee, Thomas, innkeeper and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, Sec.
McEachern, Archibald, auctioneer, commission merchant and broker.
Phillips, Dr. George H., clerk of commissioners' court.
Anderson, Rev. James, Presbyterian. Gibson, John, tanner and currier.
Brethour, Rev. William, Church of England. Howie, William, whitesmith.
Cowie, Gibbon, cooper. Kearin, Rev. Terence, Roman Catholic.
Cunningham, John, commissioner of court for Leckie, David, bootmaker.
small causes. Lighthall, D. K., registrar of the county.
Fax, Simon, tailor. Lockerby, David, blacksmith.