Page 65 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 65

74                             DUNDAS.

       Burns,  Dr.,  physician  and  surgeon.  Mathews,  J.,  tavernkeeper.
       Gervitt,  C.  S.,  tanner.           McMullen,  J.,  tanner.
       Haight,  J.,  saw  mill.             Palmer,  J.,  grist  mill.
       Head, P., grist  mill.               Port,  G.,  grist  mill.
       Head, P.,  tavernkeeper.             Willis,  W.  A.,  teacher.
       Hodgson,  M.,  brewer.               Whitney,  P. F., J.  P.,  postmaster.
       Lepper,  A.,  & Co.,  storekeepers.   Besides  the  above  there  are  3  tailors.  5 shoe-
       Lumsden,  W.,  storekeeper.          makers,  3 carpenters,  2 waggonmakers,  3  black-
       Marsh,  Rev.  T.  W.,  Church  of  England.  smiths,  4 coopers,  2  harnessmakers.
         TOWNSHIP  COUNCIL.—-W. H. Mitchell,  reeve ;  R. A.  Parker,  deputy,  F.  Green,  P.  Taylor,  Coun-
       cillors;  H. Keaton,  clerk.

       A  TOWN  in the Township  of  Flamborough,  and  United  Counties  of  Wentworth  and  Halton—distant
       from  Hamilton,  5  miles—usual  stage  fare,  Is.  3d.—from  Toronto,  45  miles—usual  stage  fare,  8s. 9d.
       Population  about  2500.
                      AGENCIES  OF ASSURANCE  COMPANIES,  BANKS,  &o.
       Bank  of British  North  America,  J.  B. Ewart,  agent.
       Canada  Life  Assurance  Company, Robert  Spence, agent.
       Colonial  Life  Assurance  Company, Thomas Racey, agent.
       National  Loan  Fund  Life  Assurance  Company,  W.  Notman, agent.
        Dundas  Building  Society—R.  Holt,  president;  James  Coleman,  vice-president;  R.
           Spence, secretary  and treasurer;  W.  Miller,  solicitor.
                                   PUBLIC OFFICERS.
        Ewart, J.  B., postmaster.
       Coleman, James,  mayor.
       Spence, Robert, reeve.
       Suter, Robert W.,  treasurer.
       Begue, A.  F.,  collector.
       Chisholm, Walter,  town  clerk.
       M'Donald,  Murdoch,  bailiff.
       BICKELL,  RICHARD,  brewer,  Dundas  brewery.
       BOICE,  WILLIAM,  importer  of  and  dealer  in  dry  goods,  groceries,  and  crockery,
           wholesale  and  retail, Main  st=
       BRUCE,  FRANCIS,  Merchants' Exchange  hotel,  Main  st.,  opposite  Town  Hall—livery
           furnished  at  the  shortest notice.
       BULLOCK,  J., tavernkeeper  and  lumber  merchant, near  Flamborough  mills.
       BYRNS,  DAVID,  dealer  in leather, boots and  shoes, Main  st.
       COLEMAN  & M'INTYRE,  dealers in  groceries, wines, liquors, provisions, paints, oils, dye-
           stuffs,  stone  and  glass ware, pig iron, coals,  &c,  corner  of Main  and  King  sts.
       COLLIER,  THOMAS,  general  grocer  and produce  merchant, King  st.
       COLLINS,  BERNARD,  North  American  hotel, King  st.—travellers  will  find  excellent ac-
           commodation  and  good livery  at this house.
       DIXON,  JAMES,  importer  of  British  and  American  dry  goods  and  groceries,  corner oi
           King and  Ogilvie sts.
       ELLIOT, . R.,  Dundas  carriage  factory,  Main  st.
       ELLIOT  & THORNTON,  wholesale  and  retail  chemists  and  druggists, importers  of  genuine
           English chemicals, and dealers in patent  medicines, perfumery,  oils, paints, varnishes,
           stationery, glass, &c.,King  st.
       EVERITT,  O. W.,  cabinet  and  chair  manufacturer,  King  st.
       EWART,  JAMES  B., postmaster, J.  P., notary, agent Bank  of British  North  America,  and
           for  the  issue  of marriage licenses, merchant  and miller, Dundas mills.
       FARWELL,  J.  C ,  railroad  contractor, King  st.
       FISHER,  JOHN,  manufacturer  of  and  dealer  in  plain  and  japanned  tin  and  sheet-iron
           ware, stoves, hardware, &c, King  st.
       FORBES,  ADAM,  merchant  tailor  and  woollen  draper, King  st.
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