Page 60 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 60

CORNWALI^-COWANSVILLE.                       69

       COOMBS  & HICKEY,  Steamboat  hotel—comfortable  accommodations  and  reasonable
           charges;  a livery stable is attached, and conveyances are furnished  when  required.
       DALY, DANIEL, saddler and harnessmaker—a  good  stock of every  article in the line con-
           stantly on hand, or made to order, at moderate prices.
       DICKINSON, JAMES J.,  M.  D.
       ELLIOT,  ANDREW,  contractor and mill proprietor.
       FREEHOLDER, THE, weekly paper, H. Patterson, publisher.
       FULTON, A., baker and dealer in groceries, crockery, provisions, drugs and medicines.
       MCDONALD, J. S., M. P. P., barrister at law, solicitor general, C. W.
       MCDONALD,  RODERICK, M. D., county treasurer.
       MCDONELL,  GEORGE,  barrister at law, judge  of surrogate  court.
       MCDONELL,  PETER J., barrister at law, agent for marriage licenses.
       MCDONELL,  RONALD, carriagemaker and contractor.
       MCDOUGALL & ROBERTSON, saddlers, harnessmakers,  and dealers  in  boots, shoes, and
       MCDOUGALL, ALEX., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware,  crockery, &c.
       MCINTYRE,  DANIEL E., M. D., sheriff  of the united counties.
       MCLEAN, A., M. P. P., registrar  surrogate court.
       MCMILLAN,  DONALD, dealer in groceries, liquors, provisions, crockery, &c, &c.
       MATTICE, W., importer of and  dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, china, glass, &c.
       PARK,  WM. M., watchmaker,  and dealer in watches,  jewellery, &c.—N. B. particular,
           attention paid to work from a distance.
       PATTON, REV. HENRY,  Church  of  England.
       PRINGLE, JAMES, clerk  of the Peace.
       PRINGLE,  JACOB F., barrister  at law.
       STUART, ROBERT, bookkeeper and accountant.
       TANNER, JOSEPH, tailor and clothier—every  description  of clothing made to order in the
           best style, and at very moderate prices.
       WALKER, JOHN, barrister  at law.
       WOOD, GUY , collector of customs, postmaster and deputy  clerk  of the Crown.
       Annable, Vincent,  carriagemaker.  McDonald,  Angus S., clerk  county  court.
       Bell, John,  distiller.            McDonell, John,  (Greenfield,)  attorney a  .aw.
       Bergin, D.,M.D.                    McDonell, D. W., & Co., general store.
       Bethune, Angus, deputy  sheriff.   McDonell, A. W., innkeeper.
       Campbell, Robert,  blacksmith.     McPhaul, Angus, general store.
       Campbell, Francis, bricklayer.     Montreal  Telegraph  Company,  G.  S.  Hickey,
       Cannon, Rev. J. F., Roman  Catholic.  operator.
       Carr, John, boot and shoemaker,    O'Callaghan, Thomas,  grocer.
       Cline, Samuel, general store.      Patterson, Henry,  printer.
       Cline, William,  general store.    Percy,  William, tin and coppersmith.
       Clough, John,  carpenter and builder.  Perkins, Henry, tannery,
       Cook, George, blacksmith.          Perkins, David, bricklayer.
       Craig, Robert,  tannery.           Pitts, W. J., hotelkeeper.
       Farlinger,  , tannery.             Poole,  Chas., clerk  of division  court  and towa
       Forsyth, William,  innkeeper.        clerk.
       Hart, Samuel, crown lands  agent.  Quin, Rev. J., Free  Church.
       Hawkins,  , saw mills.             Rattray,  Dr.  C ,  physician  and  surgeon,  and
       Hitchcock, Myron, flour mills.       chemist and druggist.
       Hunter, John, tin and coppersmith.  Ross, William, attorney at law.
       Hunter, James, tailor.             Shirkey, John, cabinet and chairmaker.
       Irving, James,  carriagemaker.     Smout,  Michael J., tailor.
       Jarvis, Geo. S., judge of the county  court.  Stafford,  Charles,  bricklayer.
       Johnson, Joseph, blacksmith.       Urquhart, Rev. Hugh,  Church of  Scotland.
       Kay, Wm., teacher  of the grammar  school.  Vankoughnet, P., general store.
       Little & Mitchel, printers.        Wagner, William,  hotelkeeper.
       Lonney, Wellington,  blacksmith.   Wagner, Benjamin,  hotelkeeper.
       Mason, Archibald,  bricklayer.
       A VILLAGE  situated  in the Township of Dunham, County of Missisquoi, C. E.  The circuit  court  foar
       the district  is  held  here.  Cowansville  is  distant  from  St. Johns, 38 miles—usual  stage  fare, 8s. 94.
       —distant  from  Montreal, 55 miles, and Dunham, 6 miles.
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