Page 67 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 67

76  DUNDEE,  C. E.—DUNDEE,  C. W.—DUNHAM,  or Dunham  Flats—DUNNVILLE.

                                 DUNDEE,     (C. E.),
        A  VILLAGE  situated in the Township  of Godmanchester,  County of  Beauhariiois, C. E.—distant  from
        Montreal, 78  miles—usual stage fare,  in winter,  15s.—steamboat  and stage  fare,  in  summer, 7s.  6d.
        Population  about 100
                      ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PBOFESSIONS,  TEADES,  &c
        Aubrey, Peter,  commissioner  of  court  for  small  McDonald,  Norman  & Allen, general store.
         causes.                            McRae,  Donald,  clerk  of commissioners'  court.
        Buchanan & Baker,  general store.   Marsh, Charles,  ashes  factory.
        Burch, Nathan  S., general store.   Plamondon,  Ignace,  commissioner  of  court  for
        Cameron, John,  collector  of  customs.  small  causes.
        Deneau,  Edmund,  commissioner  of  court  for  Smith, Isaac, landing waiter of customs.
         small causes.
                                 DUNDEE,     (C.W.),
        A small VILLAGE  situated  in the Township  of Murray,  County  of. Northumberland,  C. W.—distant
        from  Belleville,  19 miles—and  from  Brighton,  3 miles.
                      ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES, &c.
        Bate, William,  tailor.             Lard,  Harrison,  blacksmith.
        Brown, William,  sawmill.           Marsh, Elmore, saw mill.
        Bull, George, grist  mill.          Smith, Edward,  general  store.
        Gibson, Cornelius, saw mill.        Smith, Robert, saw mill.
        Gross, Horace, saw mill.            Weller,  Samuel,  shoemaker.
        Hawkins, William, general store.    Youngs, Henry, saw mill.
        Ketchum, T. H., saw mill.
                            DUNHAM, or Dunham Flats,
        A  VILLAGE  situated in the Township  of  Dunham,  County  of Missisquoi, C. E.—distant  from Mon-
       treal, 56 miles,—usual  stage  fare, 12s. 6d.—from  Stanstead, 45 miles,—usual  stage fare,  12s. 6d.—from
        St. Johns, 28 miles—usual  stage fare,  7s. 6d.
                      ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PBOFESSIONS,  TRADES, &c.
        BAKER,  WILLIAM, J.  P.
        Baker, William,  general  dealer.   Hubbard,  A. W., tavern.
        Baker, Edward,  postmaster.         Jones, William,  blacksmith.
        Brown, Leonard, M. D.               Paige,  Seneca, J. P., general  dealer.
        Brown, David, secretary and treasurer  to munici-  Pell, Peter,  shoemaker.
           pal  council.                    Pell, Daniel,  hamessmaker.
       Butler, J. C.,M. D.                  Plumley,  , watchmaker.
       Cameron, Andrew,  bailiff.           Scott, Rev. J., Church  of  England.
       Chamberlain,  Daniel,  blacksmith.   Smith, A., tailor.
       Clement,  Chauncey,  tanner.         Stevens, C. E., officer  of  customs.
       Dolan, Rev.  , Roman  Catholic.      Stevens, Levi, general dealer and tavern.
       Dunning, Owen,  tanner.              Tomkins, Rev. J.,  Wesleyan.
       Finlay, A., tailor.                  Vincent, C. S.,  tinsmith.
       Galor, Inglis, general  dealer.      Wallace, H. M., head master  of the  academy.
       Gear, Joseph, blacksmith.            Wood, Thomas, jun., general store.
       A  thriving  VILLAGE  situated on the Grand  River, in the Township of  Moulton and County  of Haldi-
       mand, C. W.—distant  from  Hamilton,  40 miles—stage  fare, 7s. 6d.—distant  from  Buffalo, 50 miles-
       steamboat fare, 8s. 9d.:—distant  from  Brantford,  45  miles—steamboat  fare,  6s. 3d.  Population  about
                      ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES, &c.
       AMSDEN, S., general  merchant.
       ARMOUR,  JOHN, general  merchant  and postmaster.
       BUSHEL, JAMES, saloon and refectory.
       CAMERON, ROBERT,  brewer.
       CARLISLE,  GEORGE, builder and contractor.
       CHAMBERS, RICHARD, baker and confectioner.
       CLEAVELAND, E. W., Dunnville house.
       COWAN, WILLIAM,  millowner.
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