Page 66 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 66

DUNDAS.                             75

    GARTSHORE  & Co., Dundas iron  foundry  and machine  shop, Hatt st.
    GRAHAM, ANDREW, dealer  in groceries and provisions, King st.
    HAWKIN, F., sash  factory  and planing machine.
    HOFFMAN, JOHN, soap and candle  factory.
    HOLT,  ROBERT,  miller and brewer, Wentworth  mills, Main st.
    HUNTER  & QUICK,  medical doctors, physicians and surgeons, Hatt st.
    IRONSIDES, JAMES, last and boot-tree manufacturer, Main  st.
    JONES  & HARRIS, general  printingoffice.  King st.
    KEMP, M., blacksmith and machinist,  corner  of King and Ogilvie sts.
    KENNEDY,  JAMES, livery  stables, Main  st.—livery  furnished  at the shortest  notice.
    KIRBY,  ANDREW  T.,  miller,  distiller  and  lumber  merchant,  Flamborough  mills—
        address letters to Dundas P. O.
    LEAVITT,  GEORGE, axe factory,  Main  st.
    LESSLIE,  JOHN,  chemist, druggist, and stationer, Main  st.
    M'DONNELL,  WILLIAM,  Elgin  house hotel, King st.
    M'KENZIE,  THOMAS H., importer  of dry goods,  shelf,  and heavy  hardware,  groceries,
        crockery,  glass ware, wines, liquors, paints,  oils, &c, King st.
    MILLER  & ROBERTSON,  barristers,  attornies,  solicitors  in  chancery, notaries  and con-
        veyancers, King st.
    MITCHELL, JAMES, M. D., physician  and surgeon, King st.
    MOE, M. & J. W., dealers  in  marble,  and manufacturers  of monuments,  tombtables,
        gravestones, and all kinds of ornamental  marble work, Main st.
    MOORE,  HUGH,  general merchant, and importer  of dry goods, hardware, &c, comer of
        King and Main sts.
    NOTMAN, W., M. P. P., barrister,  attorney,  notary, and conveyancer.
    OVERFIELD,  B. & S., importers  of British and  American  dry goods, Main st.
    PATTERSON,  JOHN,  woollen manufacturer,  Elgin mills.
    PATTERSON,  ROBERT,  fanning  mill and agricultural implement  maker, Hatt st.
    QUARRY,  JOHN,  saddler  and  harnessmaker,  King  st.—a  choice  stock  constantly
        on hand.
    RILEY,  JAMES, hotel and stage house, Main  st.,
    SPENCE,  ROBERT,  auctioneer and general commission  merchant, King st.
    SPENCER, JOSEPH, Gore flour and paper mills.
    SUTER,  R. W., treasurer,  Desjardin's  canal, King st.
    TURNBULL,  ALEXANDER,  stove and agricultural  implement  manufacturer,  King st.
    TAYLOR, WILLIAM, recess and livery stables, Main st.
    VASSIE, JOHN,  grocer and provision  dealer, King st.
    WAGSTAFF,  JOHN,  dealer  in  English and American  hardware, and manufacturer  of tin-
        ware, stove pipes, &c, Main st.
    WARDER,  THE  DUNDAS, weekly newspaper, Jones & Harris, printers, King st.
    Bell, Rev. A., Church of Scotland.  Lee,  James, stage  office, King st.
    Borthwick, J., baker, King st.     Lewis, James, gunsmith, King st.
    Davis, W. W., surgeon dentist, King st.  Lewis, Lewis, cabinetmaker,  King st.
    Duggan, J. & R., tailors, King st.  Mackay, J., tanner.
    Christie, Rev. Thos., United Presbyterian.  Mitchell, J., M. D., King st.
    Glutton, Rev. Joseph, Baptist.     M'Murray, Rev. William, Church of England.
    Conolly, B., boots and shoes, King at.  O'Donnell, D., boots and shoes, King st.
    Copper & Builder, cabinetmakers, King st  O'Reilly, Rev. J., Roman Catholic.
    Fleming & Sheldrake, builders, Hatt st.  Passmore,  "W., saddler. King st.
    Foley & Snow, tailors, King st.    Ridler, G., tailor, Hatt st.
    Fruin, J., whipmaker, King st.     Scott, James, builder, King st.
    Gemley, Rev. J., Wesleyan.         Suter, R., insurance agent, King st.
    Hamilton, James, M.D., Mountain.   Swanson, William, grocer, King st.
    Hare, S., chairmaker, K ing st.    Turney, J., cornbroom maker, King st.
    Hibbin, H. B., boots and shoes, King st.  Watson, Miss, milliner, Main st.
    Hiney, D., baker, King st          Wells & Lacey, shoepegmakera.
    Hugill, Rev. Joseph, Wesleyan.     Weaver, if., innkeeper, King ft.
    Jennings, Charles, comb factory, Main st.  Witherspoon, J., baker, King st.
    Latschaw, Isaac, cabinetmaker, King st.  Witherspoon, L., watchmaker, Main st.
    Lariere & Davis, dry goods, Main st
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