Page 69 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 69


        Mack, John, bootmaker.               Morrison & Walsh, storekeepers.
        McEachem,  Hector, innkeeper.        Needier, Walker,  miller.
        McKay, John, tailor.                 Porter, Thomas, blacksmith.
        McKillop, Hugh, blacksmith.          Sadler, E. & T.,  contractors.
        McNaughton, William,  carpenter.     Taylor, John, saddler.
        Morrison, Alexander,  cabinetmaker.
                               DURHAM,     (St. Francis,)
        A VILLAGE  in the Township  of  Durham, County  of  Drummond,  District  of  St.  Francis, situated oa
        the west  side of  the River St. Francis,—distant  from Port St. Francis, 56 miles—stage fare, 15s.

                       ALPHABETICAL LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
        Atkinson, George, tavernkeeper.     MacCullough, James, J. P.
        Balfour,  Rev. C. J.,  Church  of  England.  MacCullough, James, tanner.
        Brown, Josias, postmaster.           Montgomery, William, J. P.
        Cutter, H.  J.,  genera] store.      Ross, Rev.  G. M.,  Church of  England.
        Dunkerly, W.,  mill owner  and wool carder.  Walker, Lyman, J.  P.
        Dunkerley, Rev.  ,  Congregationalist.  White, Dr.,  physician  and surgeon.
        Foster and Brown, general  dealers.
                                  DURHAM,    (C W.),
        A VILLAGE  situated in the Townships  of  Bentinck  and  Glenelg,  County  of Waterloo,  C.W.—distant
        from  Guelph, 56 miles—stage fare,  12s. 6d.—from  Owen's  Sound, 28 miles.  Population  about 100.
                       ALPHABETICAL LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c
        Bell, Henry,  builder.              May, Isaac, innkeeper.
        Briggs, Edward, mason.              M'Nab, Alexander B., general store.
        Brown, Thomas, tanner and shoemaker.  Mathews,  George, builder.
        Hunter, Archibald,  innkeeper.      Schofield,  H.  S.,  general store.
        Jackson,  George, crown lands agent.  Schofield.  M.  C,  postmaster,  land  surveyor  and
        Jardine & Scott, general store.       insurance agent,
        Legate, Samuel £., grist  and saw mills.  Stewart, Robert, general store.
                               EASTON'S     CORNERS.
        A small VILLAGE in the Township of Wolford,  County of Grenviile, C.  W.—distant from  Merrickville,
        7 miles.
                       ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PEOFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
        Easton,  Samuel  S.,  postmaster,  general  store,  Easton, Hiram, Wolford hotel.
         grist  and saw mills.               Meikle, William, general store.

        A VILLAGE  situated in the Township of Eaton, County of Sherbrooke, C. E.—distant from Sherbrooke,
        16 miles—from  the Province  line at Hereford,  30 miles.
                       ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
        Aubrey, Joseph,  carriagemaker.     Picard,  George,  tanner.
        Farnsworth, C. S., shoemaker.       Sawyer, J. & W., general store.
        Foss, Joshua, postmaster  and cabinetmaker.  Sawyer, W., tailor  and clothier.
        Gargnon, E., tailor.                Sawyer, A., shoemaker.
        Hammond, B., blacksmith.            Sawyer,  S., grist  and saw mills.
        Hill, H. N., innkeeper.             Sherrill Rev. C. T.,  Congregationalist.
        Hurd, S. A., general store and deputy postmaster.  Stone, William, shoemaker.
        Lebourdais, M., blacksmith.         Smith & Hasseltine, wool carders and clothiers.
        Lindsay, William, carpenter.        Taylor, Charles, bailiff.
        Morey & Co., general store.         Wiggins, T.,  cabinetmaker.
        Osgood, Joseph, harnessmaker.

        A  VILLAGE  situated in  the Township  of  North Georgetown, County of  Beauharnois,  C.  E.—distant
        from  Montreal, 54 miles.
                       ALPHABETICAL LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c
        Brown, L.  G.,  agent of seigniory of Beauharnois,  McGill, John, general store.
         office  at Beauharnois.            Steacy, Richard, innkeeper.
        Cantwell, Thomas, postmaster  and storekeeper.  Sutton, Rev. E.  G., Church of  England.
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