Page 63 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 63

      Peak, Abraham, hop grower.           Smith,  Benjamin,  boots and shoes.
      Pearshall,  Michael,  blacksmith.    Smith,  Samuel,  flax  mill, I  of a  mile  from  the
      Poole, Rev. William H., Wesleyan.       village.
      Koblin, Jacob,  blacksmith.          Wright, James G., saddler, harness, and carriage -
      Rogers, Rev. James, Free  Church,       maker.
      A  VILLAGE  situated in the Seigniory of the same name, on the north shore of the River St. Lawrence, ir»
      the County of Portneuf, C. E.—distant  from  Quebec, 39 miles.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       Bellisle, Major  Louis.             Gauthier, Joseph,  boardinghouse-
      Bellisle, Major  Xavier.             Gauthier, Jean  Baptiste,  boardinghouse.
      Bellisle/'Captain  Frangois-         Haiaelin,  Frangois, general store, postmaster and
      Benoit, Capt.  Paul.                    stage  house.
      Chevigny  de la Chevroti6re,  captain, N. P., agent  Lagorgendi&re, Louis Charles, notary.
         for  seigniory.                   Magraud,  Francois, M. D.
      Defoy,  Captain Joseph,  general  store.  Marcotte, Captain Thimothl,  boardinghouse-
      Faucher,  Maxime,  miller.           Pagnett,  Narcisse,  miller.
      Fleury,  Alexander,  notary  public.  Pag6, L., mill  owner,
      Galarneau, Frangois, general store.  Poir6, Rev. Charles Edouard, Roman  Catholic.
      Gariepy, Victor,  mill  owner.       Raymond,  Captain  Louis.
      Gautier, Zephirin, J. P*            Taschereau,  Lieut. Col. Charles-
      Gauthier,  Nicholas, N. P., clerk of  circuit  court.
      A  VILLAGE  situated  in the County  of  Beauharnois,  C. E.—distant  from  Montreal,  50 miles—stag* - 1
      fare, in winter,  10s.—in summer,  11s. 3d.  Population  about 150.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      Brethour, Rev. William,  Church  of Eagland,  Harrison, M. W., commissioner for court.
      Davidson,  James,  postmaster,  general store and  Hopper,  Daniel, general store.
        saw mill.                         McAughan,  Archibald,  blacksmith.
      Dewitt,  C , saw, fulling  and carding  mill.  Mclver, James,  general  store

                           DICKINSON'S     LANDING,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  at the  head  of the  Cornwall  Canal,  in  the Township  of  Osnabruck,—distant
      from  Cornwall, 12 miles, from  Prescott,  38 miles—stage fare  to Prescott, generally,  10s.—to  Montreal,
      generally,  25s.—distant  from  Montreal, 90 miles,—steamboat  fare  to Montreal,  15s., to Kingston, 15s-.
      Population about 500.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      DIXON,  JAMES  E.,  dealer  in  dry  goods,  groceries, hardware, crockery,  school  books,
          stationery, &c.
      HANES, ADAM, St. Lawrence  hotel, stage house and livery stables, conveyances  furnished
          when  required.
      HEARLE, J. G., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, school books, station-
          ery,  &c.
      MATTICE & COLQUHOUN, dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, school books
          and  stationery, &c, also wharfingers  and general  storage.
      WAGNER,  DANIEL, dealer in  dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery,  school books and
          stationery—also  wharfinger  and general  storage.
      VERNER, JOHN, collector  of  customs.
      Archibald,  George N., storekeeper.  Kezar,  Alvin,  distillery.
      Colquhoun, William,  postmaster.    Kezar, Alvin,  blacksmith.
      Crumrnenaur, H. D., soap  factory.  Lewis,  C ,  horse ferry  to Messina, New York.
      Dawson, John,  tannery.             Loughray,  Patrick,  tailor.
      Eagars, Edward,  shoemaker.         McDonald,  George,  storekeeper.
      Eamon,  Nicholas,  innkeeper.       McLaverty,  Charles, tailor.
      Gaffney, Michael, tailor.           McNaren, John,  saddler and harnessmaker-
      Hutchins, Willard,  blacksmith.     McQuillan, John,  shoemaker.
      Hutchins, James,  tinsmith.         Millar,  David,  carriagemaker.
      Johnson, George,  carriagemaker.    Neil, Robert,  tailor.
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