Page 59 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 59

68                           CORNWALL.
      Magee, H. F., carpenter.           i  Ryder, John, shoemaker.
      Markle, Elijah, pumpmaker.         !  Saunders, W., school teacher.
      Miller, George, waggonmaker.  .     Scott, W., innkeeper.
      Morley, John, tailor.               Silverthorn, J., saw mill.
      Oldfield, Miss, teacher.            Soady, James, last and peg factory.
      Parker, William, tinsmith.          Teeter, R., innkeeper.
      Redman, Michael, blacksmith.        Thomson, Thomas J., general store.
      Romain,  P.  Z., general  store  and  commissioner  Weeks, William, shoemaker.
       of  court of Queen's bench.        Wilson, Rev. James, Wesley an.
      Romain, Charles E., steam sawmill.  Also, 1 butcher, 1 saddler, and 2 saw mills.
      T H E  COUNTY TOWN  of  the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, is situated at the foot
      of  the Cornwall Canal, in the Township  of  Cornwall, C. W.—distant from  Montreal, 82 miles, from
      Kingston,  120 miles—usual steamboat fare  to Montreal, 12s.  6d.,  to Kingston, 17s.  6d.—usual  stage
      fare  to Montreal,  20s., to Kingston, 25s.  Population about 1500.
                    AGENCIES  OF  ASSURANCE  COMPANIES,  BANKS,  &c.
      Bank  of  Montreal, Win. Mattice, agent.
      Bank  of  Upper  Canada, Jacob  F.  Pringle, agent.
      Canada  Life  Assurance  Company,  W.  M. Park,  agent.
      Colonial  Life  Assurance  Company, Jacob  F.  Pringle, agent.
      National Loan  Fund  Life  Assurance  Co., A.  S. McDonald,  agent.
                                 PUBLIC OFFICERS.
      Jarvis, George  S., judge  of  the  united  county  court.
      McDonell,  George, judge  of  the  surrogate  court.
      McDonald, J.  S., M. P. P.  for  Glengarry.
      McLean, Alexander, M. P. P.  for  Stormont.
      Cameron, Hon. J.  IL, M. P. P.  for  Cornwall.
      Crysler, J. P., M. P. P.  for  Dundas.
      Mclntyre, Daniel E.,  sheriff  of  united  counties.
     Mattice, Wm,,  mayor  of  Cornwall, and warden  of  the  united  counties-
     Bethune, Angus, deputy  sheriff  of  united  counties.
     McDonald,  Angus  S., clerk  of  county  court.
     Poole, Charles, clerk  of  division  court.
     McLean, Alexander,  registrar  of  the  surrogate  court.
      Wood, Guy  C ,  deputy  clerk  of  the  crown.
     Pringle, James, clerk  of  the  peace.
     McDonald, Roderick,  county  treasurer.
     McLean, John, registrar,  county  Stormont.
     Wood,  Guy  C ,  collector  of  customs  and  postmaster.
     McDonell, Angus, landing  waiter.
     McDonell, Duncan,  canal  superintendent.
     Hart, Samuel, crown lands  agent.
     Phelan, D., collector  of  canal  tolls.
     McLennan, Duncan, jailor.
     McDonell, Peter J.,  clerk  of  county  council  of  united  counties.
     Poole. Charles, town  clerk.
     Daly, Daniel, high constable.
     ADAMS, P. E.,  grocer, baker, and  dealer  in provisions, hardware, crockery,  drugs, medi-
         cines, &c,  &c.
     ALLEN, DR. W.  C ,  physician and  surgeon, chemist,  druggist, &c,  Medical  Hall.
     BURTON,  BENJAMIN,  St.  Lawrence  house—travellers  will  find a  good  house,  charges
        moderate, and  conveyances  are  furnished  when  required.
     CADWELL,  A.  E.,  iron  founder,  manufactures  all  kinds  of  machinery,  threshing  mills,
        ploughs, brass  castings, &c,  upon  moderate terms, and equal  to any in the  Province.
     CONSTITUTIONAL, THE, weekly  paper, Little  & Mitchell,  publishers.
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