Page 33 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 33


      A  VILLAGE  situated  in the  Township of  Whitby,  County  of  York,  C. W.—distant  from  Toronto,  34
      miles—usual stage fare, 6s. 3d.  Population  about 550.

                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TEADES,  &e.
      CAMPBELL, J.  & R., merchants,  millers,  and  dealers  in  all kinds  of  British  and  Ame-
          rican  goods, and pine lumber  of all kinds—cash paid  for  wheat.
      DANIELS, H.,  & Co., dealers  in  all  kinds  of  British  and American  goods and pine lum-
          ber, millers, and manufacturers  of pot  and pearl  ashes and  saleratus.
      Alexander, A. G.,  school teacher.  Long, H. T.,  cloth  factory.
      Allison, Dr., physician  and  surgeon.  M'Brian,  T.,  innkeeper.
      Bateman, E.,  ironfounder.          M'Guire, P., general store  and  brewery.
      Bartell, M., tanner  and  currier.  Nichol, W.,  general  store  and  brewery.
      Cunan,  Miss, ladies' school.       Smith, Rev. P.,  Wesleyan.
      Darlington, R.,  general  store and  postmaster.  Smith, E.,  flour mills.
      Draper,  C ,  agent  St. Lawrence  Insurance  Com-  Starr  & Daniels, flour millers.
        pany.                             Snyder, H.  C ,  innkeeper.
      Foot, Dr.,  physician  and surgeon.  Thomas, L.  C ,  soap and candle  factory.
      Hunter, Dr., physician  and  surgeon.  Way,  D.  S., mill  owner.
        Besides the above, the Village  contains  4  blacksmiths,  2 cabinetmakers,  3 carpenters, 3  coopers,  2
      saddlers, 4 shoemakers, 2 tailors, 2 tinsmiths, and 4 waggonmakers.
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on the  shore  of Lake  Ontario, at the  mouth  of  the  12 Mile Creek, in the  Town-
      ship  of Trafalgar,  County  of  Halton,  C.  W-—stage  fare  to Hamilton,  (in winter)  3s. 9d., stage  fare  to
      Toronto,_(in winter)  7s. 6d.  Population  about 200.  Post  Office,  Trafalgar.

                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      HAGAMAN  & Co., general  merchants.
      Colton, Thomas,  shoemaker.         Vannorman,  Dr. J.  M., physician  and  surgeon.
      Nolton, John,  mason  and  bricklayer.  Wheeler, Jacob, carpenter  and joiner.
      Oakly,  Rev. John,  Baptist.        Williams  & Belyed, general store.
      Sloan, John,  mason  and  bricklayer.  Williams, Andrew,  carpenter  and joiner.
      Sovereign, John,  general store.    Williams, A. W.,  carpenter  and joiner.
      Sovereign, Phillip, general  store.  Williams, Henry,  blacksmith.
      Thompson,  , carpenter  and joiner.
                              BURRITT'S    RAPIDS,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on  the  Rideau  Canal, in  the Township  of  Oxford,  County  of  Grenville, C.  W.—
      distant  from  Brockville,  34  miles," from Perth,  31 miles,  and  from  Kemptville, 10 miles.  Population
      about  300.

                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      FRENCH,  JOHN  S., grist, oatmeal, saw, and  shingle mills.
      JOHNSTON, THOMAS, hotel  keeper—travellers  will  find a  good  house  and  the  charges
      LONNEY, JAMES, dealer  in  dry  goods, groceries,  hardware,  crockery, patent medicines,
          &c,  &c.
      MEIKLE, JOHN, junior, dealer  in  dry  goods, groceries, hardware,  crockery, patent  medi-
          cines, &c, &c.
      TATE, ALFRED, dealer in  dry  goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, patent medicines, &c.
      Burritt,  Stephen, postmaster  and saw  mill.  Lane, Arcantus,  blacksmith.
      Burritt,  Daniel, saw  mill.        Lane, Stephen,  blacksmith.
     Burritt,  Edgar,  waggonmaker.       M'Intyre, John, carpenter and  builder.
      Fulcher, Edward,  shoemaker.        M'Kerrigan,  John,  innkeeper.
     Guest, Richard, tanner  and  shoemaker.  M'Kerrigan,  John,  shoemaker.
      Harris, Erastus,  blacksmith.       Mills, John,  tailor.
      Healy, John,  innkeeper.            Mills, Joseph,  cooper.
      Kerr, Alexander,  carding and fulling  mills.  Moore, Frederick A., tanner  and  shoemaker.
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