Page 32 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 32

BROME  COENER.                         41
      PEDEN,  ROBERT, dealer  in  dry  goods, groceries,  wines, liquors,  and  hardware,  Main  st.
      Ross, J.  & S., importers  of  dry  goods, hardware, china,  glass, and  groceries, Main  st.
      REYNOLDS, THOMAS, M. D., corner  of  Pine  and  Market  sts.
      REYNOLDS, JOHN, barrister  and  attorney  at law,  Main  st.
      REYNOLDS, SAMUEL, general  store,  Main st.
      SHERWOOD & STEELE, barristers  and  attorneys  at law. Court-house  avenue.
      SKINNER  & MCCULLOUGH, manufacturers  of names,  saddletrees,  scythe  snaths,  manure
          and  hay  forks,  grain  shovels, cradles,  Sec, Water  St.
      SMART,  THOMAS, clothier  and  furrier,  Main  st.
      SMYTHE, TERENCE  W.,  M. D.,  surgeon  dentist,  St. Paul  st.
      STUART,  GEORGE, cabinetmaker,  Perth  st.—'keeps  always  on  hand  or  makes  to order
          every  article  in the line,  of  the  best  quality,  and  at  reasonable  prices.
      TAYLOR,  JAMES,  Brockville  hotel,  Main  st.—good  accommodations  for  travellers  or
          boarders,  and  charges  moderate.
      TURNER, ALLAN,  chemist and  druggist,  Main  st.
      WEBSTER, T., dealer  in  dry  goods, groceries, hardware,  and  country  produce,  Main  st.
      WILLSON, WM. H., Willson's  hotel, stage house,  and  livery  stables, Main st.—for  comfort
          and  convenience  this  house  is second  to none  in Canada.—ED.
      WINKS, GEORGE, dealer  in staple  and  fancy  dry goods,  Main  st.
      Abbott, Wm., grocer,  "Water st.   Jones,  Ormond, steam  flour mill, Water  st.
      Abbott, Amos, grocer, Perth, st.   Johnson, Rev. J.  H.,  Episcopal  Methodist.
      Atwell, Wm., watchmaker,  Main st.  Kelly, Rev. Oliver, Roman  Catholic.
      Beach, Stephen, innkeeper,  Main st.  Kelly, T.,  tailor, Perth st.
      Beecher, Isaac, tanner,  Main st., west.  Kilborn, Bradish, tanner, Main  St., west.
      Berry, H., innkeeper, Perth  st.   Kilborn, Billings, stoves, tin  and  coppersmith.
      Black, David, blacksmith,  Water  st.  Lennon, Hugh, grocer,  Church st.
      Bulger, Patrick,  grocer, Church st.  Lofhrop,  F. L., auctioneer,  Main  st.
      Burniston, E.  H., innkeeper, Water  st.  M'Kee, Henry,  conveyancer,  fancy  goods,  &c>
      Camm, Thos., tailor and clothier, Market square.  Main  st.
      Carron, James, carriagemaker, Perth st.  McMurray,  Rev. J.,  Free  Church.
      Chaftey,  Wm., plaining mills and shingle  factory,  McSweine, Rodk., innkeeper,  Water  st.
         west  end  of  the  town.       Manuel, Wm.,  dry  goods, Main  st.
      Cole, Abel, grocer,  Main st.      Mauley, Wm., tailor,  Main  st.
      Coleman, R., & Co., tannery, flour and saw mills,  Murphy, Michael, butcher, East Ward  Market.
         Coleman's  corners, 5 miles  from  the  town,  Murray, Patrick, butcher, East Ward  Market.
         P.  O. address, Brockville.     Nicholson, James, baker,  Main st.
      Cooper, Rev. George,  Baptist.     Northgraves, Geo., watchmaker,  Main  st.
      Cowan, John, butcher, East  Ward  Market.  Nottar,  Thomas, shipbuilder, Water  st.
      Dana, A. B., tanner  and shoestore, Main  st.  Olds, Gershom, carriagemaker,  Perth  st.
      Denroche, Rev. Edward,  Church  of  England.  Parkyn,  Wm.,  shipbuilder,  Water  st.
      Donaldson, Andrew, hatter,  Main  st.  Parr, Arthur, saddler and harnessmaker,  Main st.
      Dubuc, Pascal, furrier,  Main  st.  Parr, James, saddler  and harnessmaker, Main  st.
      Dunham, Ephraina, general store, Main st.  Read, Isaac, storekeeper,  Main  st.
      Easton, Joel P., blacksmith,  Main  st.  Richards, W. B., M.P.P., barrister at law,Main st.
      Easton,  S. G., baker,  Main st.   Richards,.A. N., barrister at law, Main st.
      English, Rev. N. F.,  Wesleyan.    Shepherd, R.,  saw mill, west  end  of  the town.
      Gallagher, Stephen, tailor, Main  st.  Smart, Rev. Wm., Free  Church.
      Gilmour, Wm. innkeeper, Main  st.  Simpson, W. B., collector  of  customs.
     Gilpin, William, painter,  Main  st.  Schofield,  Dr. Peter,  Home st.
     Green, John, innkeeper,  Main  st.  Vanarnam,  Charles, dry goods, Main  st.
     Green, Wm., tanner, Perth  st.      Wade, John, general store, Main  st.
     Griffith,  Richard,  axe factory,  Water st.  Walsh, Henry, baker,  Main  st.
     Harris, John, butcher, East Ward Market.  White, Andrew, innkeeper, Perth st.
     Hubbel, Dr. E., store and grist mill, Main  st.  Windeat,  Jas., principal  of the Grammar  School.
     Hough, John W.,  president District  Agricultural  Woods, Wm., shoemaker, St.  Paulst.
       Society. Woodlawn, P. 0. address, Brockville.  Wylie, David, printer,  Main st.
     Jackson, H., saddler and harnessmaker,  Main  st  Wylie, Watson  & Co.,  importers,  general  store,
     Janes, Henry, postmaster,  Court-house  avenue.  Main  st.
                              BROME    CORNER,
               A small Village in the Township  of Brome, County  of Missisquoi, C.  E.
                    AT.PWAEEHCAL  LJST  OF  PBOFESSIONS,  TEADES,  &c.
     Cotton, Charles, M. D.             Peters, William,  & Co., general store.
     Darch, R.,  innkeeper.
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