Page 34 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 34

BURY—BYTOWN.                            43
               A  small VILLAGE  in the Township  of  Bury,  County  of  Sherbrooke,  C. E.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TBADES,  &c.
      Holley, Thomas, innkeeper.         McLantich,  , storekeeper.
      Mclver, Lewis,  storekeeper.       Pope, L.,  postmaster and  storekeeper.
     THE  COUNTY  TOWN  of  the  County  of  Carleton, is situated  on  the River  Ottawa,  in the Township  of
     Nepean, C. W.  The Town  is divided  into  two  parts, known  as the Upper  and Lower Town.  It is
     connected with the village  of Hull, C. E., by a handsome Suspension  Bridge, and both that  village  and
     New  Edinburgh, which  is  about  a  mile  south-east  of  Bytown,  may be  considered,  in a  commercial
     point  of view, as identical  with the town.  A railway to connect Bytown  with  Prescott is now in pro-
      gress, and when  completed (which will doubtless  be at  an  early day)  it  cannot  fail to be  of  immense
      itdvantage to the fine country  which it will intersect,  as well  as  to  Bytown  and  the  extensive  and  fer-
      tile  country drained  by the  Ottawa  and  its tributaries.  Bytown is distant from'Montreal, 120 miles—
      usual  steamboat  and stage fare  in  summer,  20s.—usual stage fare  in winter, 25s.—distant  from King-
      ston, via Rideau  Canal,  142 miles—usual steamboat fare, 25s.  Population about 8000.
                    AGENCIES  OF  ASSURANCE  COMPANIES,  BANKS,  &c.
      Bank  of British  North  America,  A. C.  Kelty,  agent, Wellington  st., Upper  Town,
      Bank  of Montreal, George Dyett, agent,  Wellington  st., Upper  Town.
      Bank  of  Upper  Canada, J. T.  Leggatt, agent, Wellington  St., Upper  Town.
      Canada  Life  Assurance  Company,  G.  W.  Baker,  agent,  Wellington  St., Upper  Town.
      Colonial  Life  Assurance  Company, J.  B. Lewis, agent,  Wellington  St., Upper  Town.
     National  Loan  Fund  Life  Assurance  Company, H. V. Noel,  agent.
      People's  Building  Society,  F. W.  B. Hely, agent,  Rideau  St., Lower  Town.
      Union  Mutual  Life  Assurance  Company  of  Boston, Thornton  Westley,  agent,  Sussex
         St., Lower  Town.
      Washington  Mutual Fire  Assurance  Company,  F.  W.  B. Hely, agent, Rideau  st.,  L.  T.
      Bytown  and Montreal  Telegrapt^Company,  Joseph Aumond, president,  Rideau st., L. T.
                               PUBLIC  OFFICERS, &c.
      Malloch, Edward, M. P. P.  for  Carleton.
      Scott, John, M. P. P.  for  Bytown.
      Armstrong, Christopher, judge  of the  county  and  surrogate  courts.
      Fraser,  Simon,  sheriff.
     Friel, H. J., deputy clerk of crown, clerk  of county court, and registrar surrogate court.
     Powell, .  C ,  clerk  of the  peace.
     Burke, T.  G.,  registrar  for  Carleton.
     Baker, G.  W.,  postmaster.
     Fraser, James, deputy  sheriff.
     O'Connor, Daniel, county  treasurer.
     Dune, John,  crown  lands  agent.
     Barreil, John, revenue  inspector.
     Smith, Isaac,  coroner.
     Coombs, Joseph, jailor.
                           ROYAL ENGINEER  DEPARTMENT.
     Captain  C.  E.  Ford,  commanding  the  district;  Lieutenants  T.  W.  King,  W.  L.  Mor-
       rison, R. D.  Kerr, S. B.  Farrel.
     CIVIL  BRANCH.—Nelson  Walker,  surveyor  and  draughtsman  ;  Charles  Lancaster,  sur-
       veyor  and  draughtsman;  Charles  H.  Harvey,  clerk  of  works;  James  Fitzgibbon,
       foreman  of  works ;  Thomas B. Cockburn,  foreman  of  works;  William  Clegg, senior
       clerk;  George H.  Peake, clerk;  Paul  Cooper,  officekeeper  and  messenger.
                          ROYAL  ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT.
     Peter  Monsell, ordnance  storekeeper;  Thomas M'Donald,  ordnance  clerk  ;  James  Duff,
       ordnance  clerk  ;  James  Forsyth,  ordnance  bailiff;  John  Callaghan,  officekeeper  and
       messenger;  William  Addison, lockmaster  on Rideau  Canal at  Bytown.
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